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(A/N Credit to @Mike4yfe5uufr for the idea)

The Bad Guys, along with Diane, were watching news, when a particular story caught their eye.

Tiffany:In other news, the police have managed to arrest numerous members of a human supremacy group. The group captures various anthros and hunts them in a secluded forest. While authorities have not managed to locate the forest where they conduct their schemes, and several members are unaccounted for, Chief Misty has assured the public that everything will be alright.

Snake:*Groan* I still can't believe there's people with mindsets like that.

Tarantula:I know, right? What is this, the 1800's?

However, Diane seemed a little unsettled.

Julie:Mom, what's wrong?

Diane's hand were clutching the couch.

Diane:It's them...


Diane:The ones who took my parents from me...

Julie:What? Oh...

Julie told her friends the next day.

Aki:Still can't believe people do things like that.

Julie:You know how these people are. Apparently if you're different in any way, you can't be considered a "person."

Ethan:Some people got to grow up.

Later, Julie was waiting for Diane to pick her up. However, she then felt someone hit her in the back of her head and knocked her out. She then felt people dragging her into a vehicle. When Diane came to pick her up. She was surprised to find that she wasn't there. When she went to the office, she was shocked when they told her what happened. They showed the security cam footage, and sure enough, it was the hunters, who knocked her out and dragged her out dragged her into their van. Diane was not going to let those monsters take another member of her family away from her. She got in her Crimson Paw suit and set out to save her daughter...

Meanwhile, Julie woke up in a cage. She saw that she was surrounded by several men with various firearms.

Lead Hunter:Wakey Wakey.

Julie:Where am I? Who are you?

Lead Hunter:For who we are, where the ones simply doing this country a service. As for where, we're in our private woods, far on the outskirts of town.

Julie:How sick do you have to be to hunt down people.

Lead Hunter:Oh no, WE'RE people. YOU'RE a filthy animal, who doesn't belong with us humans!

Julie rolled her eyes.

Lead Hunter:Now, here's what's going to happen:We're are gonna hunt you down across this forest. And if you think you might have a chance to escape, it's very unlikely. Very few of our prey have escaped. We'll give you a twenty second head start. Makes things more interesting.

Her cage was unlocked and she sprinted as fast as she could. 

Meanwhile, Diane was sneaking around and trying to find a way in without any alerting any of the guards. She saw a few search towers and climbed up them. She managed to take out the guards.

Meanwhile, Julie was trying her best to hide. A small group of the hunters were near the area she was in, though unaware she was there.

Hunter:She's here, I know it.

However, their train of thought was interrupted when one of the other hunters called on their radios.

Guard:Guys, guys, come in!

The lead hunter answered.

Lead Hunter:What is it?

Lead Hunter:There's someone else here! I think they're looking for the kids! She's taking us out one by...oh...oh please! Keep away!

He let out a girly scream before the radio cut out.

Hunter:Should we be concerned?

Lead Hunter:Of course not. Like one person could do to much us.

Just then, Diane dropped down from the trees. She looked furious.


Lead Hunter:Don't just stand there! Shoot her!

They began unloading their weapons, however, none of them could hit her. Diane was roughing them up quite badly, breaking their guns, and punching them in their faces. She then was chocking the lead hunter.

Lead Hunter:What...what is your problem?

Diane:My "Problem" is that I'm giving you what you deserve for killing my parents! And I'm not letting you take any more family away from me. So I'll only say this once:Where. Is. My. Daughter?

Julie came out from the bushes. Diane dropped the lead hunter. She and Julie hugged tightly, sharing a few tears of joy. The lead Hunter tried to crawl away, but Diane stomped on his knee. Julie noticed all the hunters, either laying on the ground in pain, or knocked out.

Julie:Man, you really went to town on these guys.

Diane:Rightfully so.

Diane called the police and gave them the forest location and the police arrested all the hunters. The lead hunter was babbling like crazy.

Lead:We were only doing this for the good of the country! Those freaks should be-

He was cut off by one of the cops tasing him and shutting him in the back of the car. Diane was so happy. The people who took her parents from her, will never harm anyone again.

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