[17] Cabin

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A/N I hope you enjoy this one i have been betting not a-lot of motivation and hopefully you enjoy this!

This chapter was okay to me i'm glad it worked out!

Anyways let's start!


"Hey stop doing that Vx!"

"It feels good but stop!"

"You know you like it!"


Al and Vx are in a car going somewhere and Vx is tickling Al in the back seat of the car. Al sits in the car telling Vx to stop tickling him. When he finally stop Al thinks of Vx since he is acting more different around him. Al feels weird about Vx because he never acts like a normal person around anyone. Vx seems like the person who would put fuck in his sentences every time but near Al he is like a normal person.

He didn't really embraced himself when they met but Vx seemed to gave in since after he make out with him. Al like this side of Vx but is not sure if this is him or him faking, but Al know he would not try to go against him right? Unthinking of that statement they arrive to the forest. Th forest looks like any other forest expect everything looks a bit grey. Al like it since it reminds him of the static of a Tv with no signal.

They both walk into the forest with their hands together and they walk around. The creatures Vx sees looking around most o them are grey and have red away to scare anyone away, but Vx is now sort of immune. They walk for a while in the forest before they arrive to a cabin in the forest which is small but enough for two people. The woods of the cabin is made of porter red oak planks stack with nails in a way that it would have no hole what so ever.

So the cabin looks lice a nice small cabin in the forest. When they enter Al makes sure he knows where the open nail is and fixes it with his powers. Al gets grabbed by Vx who gets close to him while both of them are in the middle of the cabin. Vx kissed Al before sitting down on the chair provided in the cabin near a second bed thats "randomly" there. He decides to move over to the bed since it looks comfortable ; It was comfortable.

Al turns a bit red after the kiss since he still has to get used it since more will come. They both sit down on beds as Al starts with a conversation.

"It's nice to come back to this place!" Al says putting his hands on his lap.

"Yea it looks nice coming from someone modern!" Vx says putting his hands out.

"You get anything to say... boy... friend..." Al says still struggling on saying that.

"What if Val finds out where gay!" Al says widening his eyes.

"He already knows why do you think he is stalking us!" Vx says comforting Al by putting his hand out.

"Yea sure, but, do you got anything to say ever since he went to the park a few days ago?" Al says holding Vx hand.

"Yea it was between me and Val so he was like stalking this dude and..."

♡ ♡ ♡

Val sits in a car with angel and Vel again in the car to stalk them again. Vel sits there as Val makes Angel sit on his lap. Angel feels something in him but I wouldn't know. Vel is a bit disgusted but she still has to post stuff to be famous. She posts a photo of herself in a car with her phone facing Vx and Angel.

"Hey why are you recording us!?" Val says putting her phone down by his hand like gentle not a straight slap thats only for Angel.

~ᴱⁿᵉᵐʸˢ ᵗᵒ ᴸᵒᵛᵉʳˢ~ (Vox x Alastor)Where stories live. Discover now