[9] Self

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A/N this chapter is based off a comment so you know who you are

Thanks for 600 views!

Lets do this buttercups!


Its the next day after Al tells Vx that he wants to... be his friend for a reason. It might be a lie i dont know you read it. Anyway hes waking up now lets see him waking up now. This day is going to based on Al perspective of him and his minds and some Vx because, go figure.

The clock makes a sound signaling its 6 in the morning.

Al opens his eyes

Al wakes up from a sleep with nobody beside him sad i know. He wakes up different today because he thinks too much. He opens his eyes sitting up from the bed. Al thinks of Vx as a enemy again for a reason.

I feel like hes faking it... the love... everything... just to hurt me... i cant stop thinking of that happening... id keep my smile... but today ill ignore him... i didnt plan today so i guess its free...

He gets up pushing himself off the bed. Hes angry thinking Vx would do that it's his own mind. He thinks Vx is Ruining him knowing hes sick like that a bad tv. He gets up to go brush his teeth hoping of them getting to be white only to be cursed by godesses. He brushes his teeth and goes out of his bathroom angry. His mind is all on the part of being betrayed.  He doesnt want to see Vx today. He looks at the mirror hes been kissing. He looks at his own relfection. He stands there and seeing imaginary Vx in his mirror. Feeling the frusration he throws a punch at the mirror. His mind controlling him.

The mirror shattees on the ground peices of the mirror falling on the ground. Al looks up and leaves the mess on the floor angry at Vx because of his own imagination.

He looks at the broken tv he imagined and walks away. He goes out his room closing the door behind him mad.

He walks down the hallway a bit mad but he has to hide it. He keeps his emotions mysterious with a simple smile, a wide one. After a few steps he walks through a corner to get to the lobby where he goes to anyone and does the usual hug with everyone. They all go to their meeting room which is the lobby still. They talk about how the hotel isnt working. He watches as his little project falls infront of him he still has his plastered smile.

After the meeting is over with Vaggie comforting Charlie he goes out of the hotel trying not to see Vx for the day because of his own mind. He gets out and goes and see the outside. He calls for a cab so he doesnt have to use his powers since they have a cooldown. He sits there infront of the hotel waiting for the cab.

For a moment he thinks about how Vx was talking to him when they went on their not date. He quickly clears that up from his mind as the cab comes to the hotel. He gets in and closes the door behind him. He gets in and sits down.

"Where you going?" The driver asks looking at Al a bit frightned.

"The V's Tower" he says staring it him.

(Chill i dont know what its called.)

"O-okay!" The driver says driving away from the hotel.

Al sits in the cab and kinda just sits there. He cant look out of the window thinking of Vx doing it the last time...

He remembers that night...

Him and Vx...

In the Cab...

Holding onto him...

Him red...


He gets rid of the thoughts immediatly and looks away from the window. A bit red thinking what they did. He quickly thinks about Vx.

I cant... he sounds to innocent around me... i feel like hes planning something... i feel like he wants to hurt me... he wouldnt do this to hurt me right... what if i got this all wrong... but i still got to stay sharp... a smile...

The car stops infront of the V's tower and Al gets out of the car paying in fine bills. He gets out and sees what hell has come to like California on the bad side. He goes up to the V's tower and stands there. He thinks why he's there.

Wait what am i doing im trying to avoid that bastered... i got to go somewhere else...

He gets away from the door and walks a bit fast the other way. He walks in a professional way and many demons either wait for him to past. The demons may just straight run away. He walks for a long time like miles long. He looks at bill boards on the city turning them off thinking they would have cameras. He gets rid of the bill boards because it reminds him of his enemy.

Every modern electronic he sees he turns it off then passing. Hes so paranoid about Vx betraying him he hates the modern electronics.

♡ ♡ ♡

Vx is in his system room or monitor room and he sits there watching Al. He watches as he turns off electronics the second he sees one. He wonders why hes doing it.

Does he think im trying to hurt him... was i too innocent... do i need to be more me... i dont know i have to say something... i need to confess that... i wouldnt turn on him... i feel like i might fall into Val hands... but i hate him... hes so... terrible... thats why i love Al... hes sweet... but can kill me... id like it though...

He rethinks and watches him more as he goes along the street of the city. He quickly thinks of trying to meet Al somewhere.

He looks at the camera seeing Al go away from the city into the long roads.
Vx sees this as his time and he quickly leaves his room running out. He runs through door pushing them and he goes to the nearest window jumping out of it going into the electric wire system.

♡ ♡ ♡

Now back to Al...

Al is walking back after feeling like hes done. Not seeing Vx for the day. A day he can rest. He thinks about how he told him he wants to meet him tomorrow which was yesterday. He looks around to see the sun on the horizon and the electricity pole going with the road.

He looks at the wires to see a blue electric lighting coming to him. He sighs at the sighting and says...

"Okay... its time to say to sleep... with... me..." he says a bit scared...




A/N thank you deleted comment for giving me the idea and i shall thank you.

Anyway thanks for 610 views.

The next one may come out tomorrow since i want that one spicy okay... okay

Its 2 in the morning almost 3 so i got to sleep...


Cya buttercups!


■March 11 (Midnight), 2024■
Polished: March 11, 2024

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