[3] Obsessed (💫)

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A/N okay i don't know how to write smut but I'll give you this and for me to warm up.

This is MILD SMUT but I'll still cook

I swear i won't edge the smut anymore I'll be next chapter i swear.

I wonder how this will go.

Anyway i hope you enjoy!



The night is warm and the hotel stands up on a hill and we continue with Al...

Al waking up in his bed at night was covered in sweat but still laying on the bed. He eyes seeing blue then seeing remote his enemy bandaging him up hes to tired so closed his eyes. He gets up quick just to open his eyes again not realizing an hour passed. Hes bandaged he ignored that thinking of it as a dream getting up from his bed... he doesn't wonder nor question why his cheeks sweaty going down his neck...

Hw gets up and walks around thinking what he saw. Then he goes to the hall, walking a bit wonky but good eye see a light in angels room. Hearing talking from the room he looks through a crack curious to see husk talking to spidey. He ignored it looking away and walks around the hotel thinking about the wakening he had.

What was- wa- was i dreaming? I saw him... bandaging me... but why?? I keep saying why... i didn't want to hit him... just... kiss him... but i don't know why. I've been a virgin my whole life why now... i can only imagine... for now...

He deciedes to go back thinking looking down while going back to his room for a mirror but why? he looks through the Crack again vending over for a closer look then to see husk going in kissing angel, making out. He looks away quick jumping up and walking through the hall.

He goes down to the hall having another thought...

I want that to be with monitor and me... just once please... lucifer please...

He walks down the hallway. Then he goes through the door closing it behind slowly. He goes to the mirror in his room closing the door behind him and stares at the mirror looking... but why?

💫 My cooking May start!💫

Al still looking at the mirror... then seeing Vx... his imagination... his enemy... but still goes in... for what?

He gets his head close the mirror already breathing hard.

he puts his mouth on his traditional full length mirror in his room... closing his eyes while doing so kissing. He goes in meaning every mouth kissing he does his mouth just into it.

The mirror probably tramatized...

He imagined the electric kisses and the good stomach feeling he got continuelessly making out. He goes on and on minutes later he gets off soon coming off the mirror while he catches his breath. Not seeing the marks he made.

He lays down on his bed but with a bigger smile than before. He wants to go in more. Hes desperate for Vx, MORE! He jumps from his bed thinking of remote in a different way getting excited. But before he thinks he heard moans coming from angels room but doesn't care rolling his eyes. Then at that moment He thinks and thinks of the best thing of Vx being naked!

Thinking of this he starts kissing his mirror again imaging him trying to push him and trying to say something while he flustered him with his kisses. He imagined the electric feeling in his mouth and his good stomach feeling...

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