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𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝: 𝟓/𝟗/𝟐𝟒

A/N: Okay so, I'll unpublish chapters then republish them once they're rewritten while I'm archiving at the same time. Put I added a prologue to this story since I didn't before! Hope you like it!


A simple mission should be an easy mission, not hard, not complicating, just easy and plain simple. That's how it should have gone. What did he miss, did he misstep somewhere or did he not do a better job at checking each and every inch of his surroundings before he turned his back to the doors. The doors he entered but doesn't remember leaving. There was a reason for that, the very reason on why he can't remember not leaving out those doors, the reason he woke up somewhere else then where he last was.

He was a fool. And a slight idiot for that misstep, but he wasn't completely dumb.

Blue eyes scanned the cell, Galra cruiser, he knew that much, especially with the hum of the ship's engine beneath the metal he sat on, the timed footsteps of patrolling sentries and a every now and then voice of an actual living Galra and or prisoner. Which was what his title was at the moment, unfortunately.

He should have been more careful, like Allura repeated to them almost every day, with Keith's attitude on the floor, Shiro's sharp mind, Pidge's nagging, Hunk's reminders, and Coran's cheery outgoing chats with him. How could he have been so stupid in that moment? He's known for weeks now that Lotor was targeting him, managing to find his whereabouts and come after him but for what exactly? Lance had nothing special to his being, he had his friends and family in safe places so why does Lotor want him, Lance had nothing of value for the halfbreed and yet the prince kept coming for him like he wanted him, wanted something from him. Well too bad for him, Lance wasn't going to budge.

Taking a breath in through his nose and trying to relax his tense muscles but he was finding that to be impossible. His limbs hurt and so did the back of his head, probably why his vision went black back then before he woke up in a cell on a cruiser. Why was he even on the cruiser anyway? Was he being taken to Lotor or someone else? Probably a mix of both but who the hell is he to know? He's a useless Paladin and he can't even reach Blue right now, like his connection to her is dimmed down to the point that it feels like it's severed which he hoped not, he needed his girl right now, but he couldn't feel her nor reach out to her. He felt more alone than his homesickness made him.

Great, now he wanted to go home, but he didn't know which one. The castle or Earth, both were his home, both had his friends and family... did he really consider Keith and Shiro friends though? He always knew there was a possible chance that he was Bi, he just never tested it out and he didn't know if either Shiro or Keith even felt the same as he did... no, they wouldn't like him like that. He was their friend, that's how they viewed him. It was a mindless, useless crush that he can't help even when he knows that those dreams of his will never come true.

"...and the Paladin? What do we do with him once we get to Central Command?" Lance tensed more than he already was, did he just hear that right? His eyes turned to the door, and he pulled himself up and snuck over to the door, pressing his back against it as he listened and kept his head down. "We take him to Haggar, Prince Lotor's orders," That bastard, was he trying to kill him? The woman was a psychopath, and the fuck was he going to her for?! "Why would Haggar want a Paladin?" someone questioned, feminine maybe? Female? Lance couldn't tell but he kept listening, "How should I know? All I have is our orders is that we take him to Central Command and give him to Haggar, whatever she does to him is her business, I'm keeping my distance from her. The witch can stay far away from me, and I'll be perfectly fine." Oh, but you'll toss him to the witch and have her kill him, that's great, just real, fucking, great.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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