Stability (6)

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"Oooookay! We get it! That's enough, Mrs Dreemurr!" Flowey interrupted her before she could continue listing his crimes. Toriel opened her mouth once more, fury sparked in her eyes when she heard her last name. Flowey sensed the danger and spoke once more. "As much as I would like to hear you spit out more insults in my direction, let's focus on what's important."

"These people were ready to kill us!" Undyne diverted everyone's attention to the pack of humans that were restrained to the ground by vines and blue bones. She was now stood directly over them, pointing. "We've got to alert the mayor!"

"do we?" Sans spoke up. "i dunno, reporting humans to humans doesn't bode well with me." Sans voiced his thoughts.

"Sans." Asgore stepped in, he looked into Sans's eyes with a soft expression. "I know that you possess knowledge greater than all of us here. Your decision is the decision I trust the most."

No one expected such a response from Asgore. Especially aimed at the laid back, lazy, weak skeleton.

Sans glared at the pack. Numbers and lines of text. Stats.

Love. Exp. Kills. And on and on and on.

"...let them go." He reached a verdict. He dispelled his magic and walked passed the frightened humans to reach the leader. They didn't struggle like the others. They met his gaze with equal distaste.

"a tough one, huh?" Sans spoke with a humorous tone, not matching his words. "but I can see through that facade. i can see through your skin." Sans let his words hang in the air. The leader started to crack. They started to sweat, but still kept firm eye contact.

"I can read your fear. You can lie, but the numbers never will." The humorous tone never left, but a stern, cold and harsh undertone was added on top.

"Sans? Please stop, that's enough." Papyrus walked past the humans who attempted to cry out for help once more. Who knew a walking, talking skeleton could cause so much panic?

"Alright." Sans stepped away from the humans. He then addressed them all. "it would be in your best interest to stay silent about us monsters for now." He spoke in an authoritive tone, as if he was a leader himself of sorts. They didn't know any better. He then gestured vaguely to Flowey. He understood the order.

In an instant, the humans were released. They scrambled up onto their feet and fled without a word.

"What just happened?" Undyne spoke up. "Who put you in charge?" She finally processed that Sans had somehow taken total control of a dangerous situation. Sans.

"asgore, I think." Sans answered truthfully.
"Yeah, why?" Undyne's question was now pointed at the King, she turned to face him. Contrary to her demeanour with Sans, she was more gentle with her glare with Asgore.
"Sans's judgement is superior to any other monster that I've met. He-" Asgore attempted to explain before being cut off.

"yeah, that's all that needs to be said." Sans stepped infront of Asgore.
"N-no, I've seen the record, you-" Alphys attempted to interject. She knew what this was all about.
"yeah, you keep that to yourself." Sans interrupted once more, his tone harsher than anyone had ever heard it.

"Alright, let's pack it up. He's hiding stuff, it's obvious by now." Flowey spoke up over everyone's voices. "Let's all just go climb a tree or something."

Despite the weird suggestion for an activity, everyone went separate ways, todays events never left their minds, however. Papyrus and Toriel, however, lingered for a moment.

"Sans." Toriel spoke first. "Behind that door, I shared some things I would never share to anyone else." She started, referring to their meetings through the Ruins door. Sans missed it. Talking through the door, telling jokes or just...talking...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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