Chapter 10

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T/W: Mentions death and some minot anxiety.



Eric is waiting for me when I arrive back at my place.

"Have you been waiting long?" I ask, unlocking my front door.

"No. Maybe ten minutes." Eric follows me inside. He eyes me. I know I probably don't look the greatest, returning from Steve's.

"You could have texted me," I say, going to put my dirty clothes in the hamper.

"I was about to."

"Is there a specific reason you stopped by?" I ask.

"H said gave you a letter or something that was in Speed's work locker?" I frown. If I was being honest, I'd forgotten all about that.


"Just wondering if you'd read it yet?" Eric asks. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Is that really any of your business?" I ask. Eric knows he's crossed the line so he switches gears.

"Why are you hanging around Steve Speedle so much?"

"Also none of your business," I say.

"He's not..Speed," Eric says.

"Really?" My tone sarcastic. "I hadn't noticed."

"Just because he looks like Speed, doesn't mean anything."

"I like him," I say defensively.

"You should watch yourself," Eric tells me.

"Why? Steve is a decent guy."

"You sure about that?" Eric gives me a Look.

"Eric, what is your problem with Steve? Huh?" I glare at him.

"I'm just looking out for you. Speed would want me to."

"Oh would he?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"You know he would."

"If you only stopped by to interrogate me, you can see yourself out." I head for my bedroom. Eric follows, hovering in the doorway.

"Lex, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be an ass."

"Didn't you?" I stare at him.

"I've been really worried about you. You never stop by to say 'hi' or see any of us."

"Eric, it's nothing personal. It's just too...hard being around there at the moment. I'm sure you get that."

Eric nods, moving closer and giving me a hug. I cling to him for a moment. Being close to Eric is stirring up a lot of old memories. I let go, stepping back.

"I need to go. I promise I'll call you soon for lunch."

"All right." Eric leaves and I go to my night stand. I start to open it, but suddenly stop. I find that I still can't read whatever it is that Speed wrote to me.



After doing some more unpacking, I call Lex to see if she'd like to grab some lunch together. She sounds weird and immediately, I worry she's beginning to regret spending so much time with me.

"Is something up?" I ask.

"Just some personal stuff," Lex replies.

"Anything you'd like to share?"

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