Chapter 7

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T/W: Some minor sexual content.



After we eat, we're just standing around in Lex's kitchen, making small talk. I end up tuning her out, not because of what she's saying, but because I'm too focused on..her.

Lex is still talking, but I don't hear her words. I'm too distracted by her...lips. I step closer, knowing this is the mother of all bad ideas. But..I want to..kiss...her

Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm grabbing Lex's face, pulling her close and crashing my lips on to hers. Her entire body freezes momentarily until her hands come up between our bodies and she's pushing me away. She looks furious, her face red, her eyes wild with rage.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lex shouts. My face is burning with embarrassment.

"I...I'm..sorry! I..I don't know why I did that!" Lex just stares at me for a split second before lunging at me. Not to attack me,

She grabs on to me, clinging almost desperately. I'm shocked, but decide not to question it. I lift Lex up on to the kitchen counter as we practically suck each other's lips off. We're both panting and gripping one another.

Lex breaks off the kissing and begins to fumble with her dress skirt, hiking it up and squirming around to pull down her underwear. I know what she's doing and I hold her carefully, one arm around her. As soon as her underwear is off, she gestures to me.

"Your turn," Lex whispers, touching my face. I blush, fumbling with my shorts, letting them drop down around my ankles. I step out of them, before slipping my boxers down. Once I do, I step back to Lex, who makes a grab for me, tugging me closer.

"Are..are you...sure?" I ask quietly. Lex nods, touching her forehead to mine.

"Yes." I position myself just so, as Lex wraps her arms around my neck and braces herself. I slowly move closer, gently kissing her, holding her carefully. Lex cries out as I enter her and begin thrusting. Lex's body tenses as she clings to me.

"Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop," Lex chants breathlessly.

"I...won't," I whisper. "I won't."

Afterwards, we cuddle together on Lex's couch. Everything seems surreal at the moment. I noticed that Lex had done a couple of things after we'd finished. She'd put that photo of her and Tim face down on the table and had removed...her...engagement..ring.

I don't mention either. I don't want to start a fight. I check the time.

"Do you have to leave soon?" Lex asks.

"Yeah. I'm meeting a couple of the landlords of some apartments close by."

"You know," Lex says, taking one of my hands. "You could move in here." I raise my eyebrows.

"That's a nice..idea, Lex," I say. "But we hardly know each other and that's more of a decision to make after you've been seeing someone for a long time." Lex's face reddens.

"Right." I give her hand a gentle squeeze and she smiles. I move to grab up my shirt and shorts and begin dressing myself. Lex reluctantly gets up, going into her bedroom to put something on.

There's a knock at the door and since I'm dressed, I decide to go answer it.  A young man is standing there, looking somewhat confused.

"Oh, I must have the wrong apartment. Sorry." Lex enters the room.

"Eric! What are you doing here?"

"I  was checking in on you," Eric says, casting a suspicious look in my direction.

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