He looked right passed her. She didn't deserve a second glance from him . He was more interested in the man standing awkwardly next to the woman claiming to be his wife.

     Then he laughed. A twisted, humorless snort.  "So you ended up here. With her. And my brat."

  Hux shook his head in disbelief. Then an evil grin screwed up his already evil face.  "Did you fuck her Ren? Huh? Did you? Was she an easy piece of ass like you hoped?"

   He laughed louder as he looked at Ben and then at Rey.  Then finally, they looked at each other and the world split apart. The pain of a broken heart etched evidently on both their stricken faces.

      " You did! You lucky son of a bitch!  Or should I say unlucky.  She tried to tie me down once too. Said that ugly spawn was my kid. But I know her for the whore she really is."

   Ben  could have defended her honor. He could have sprang at that filthy no good , lying  bastard. Broken every bone in his body. He should have.   But he didn't.

      Rey gasped when all he did was look at the ground then got into the limo.  Maz was struck  dumb as she heard her real son say such awful things about her dear Rey.  But then she squared her shoulders and rounded on her errant son.

     "You hush your mouth and get out of here. I have no son. Not you. He was a better son than you ever were."

Hux laughed , then coughed. He held  his nose and waving the air in front of his face.  " I think it's time to leave Baz. I can't stand the stench in the air."

      Rey could hear Baz cackle from inside the limo. She hated that bitch.

She had her meal ticket back and all her millions were safe . She could continue living on her yacht and not have to move to a trailer park and eat peanut butter instead of caviar.

      Snoke was going to be happy again. Getting his number one hit man back to work. There was an over abundance of Snoke's enemies wandering the landscape needing to be removed. But a bullet preferably.

                 And as they pulled away she caught one last glimpse of Ben's profile. He was looking straight ahead his expression unreadable.

Little  Padme' cried, "Da da!  Da da!  Come back!" squirming in her mothers arms to get down and run to her daddy.

             A single tear slipped down his cheek as they pulled away and drove down the driveway.  He showed no emotion  other then that, but inside Ben felt like he had his heart had been  filleted. He was cut to the bone and bleeding to death.

     He was leaving what he thought was his family and his love.  How could he endure this?  And what was he heading towards?

       Baz had no problem filling in the blanks.  What she said chilled him to the core.

He was a death machine. A gun for hire . And all his wealth was  held in the hands of a twisted and evil man named Snoke. And he had a job waiting for him.  Kill again.


      "Maz , what am I going to do?"  Rey stood  frozen to the spot  where she had watched the limo leave dust in the air as it took Ben away from her.
   "I was going to tell him I feel a heat coming on. We could have been mated by tonight. He would have been mine for eternity. But I was too late.  And now he's gone. I'll never see him again, he hates me now. And I don't blame him."

     Maz sighed and said, her voice full of regret, " Maybe it's better this way. If you had mated and then those heathens had come for him, he would have to go with them. And then this would have been a thousand times worse.  An newly mated Omega separating from her Alpha could be dangerous to both of you."

   "That's just it Maz. If given the choice , he would have chosen me . I know he would have. The way he looked at me when we made love. Oh Maz how could I have done it?"

   "Not only did I hurt myself but my children will never be the same after knowing him. He was the best thing to ever happen in their lives and I've taken that away from them."

"Children are resilient."  Maz tried to soothe Rey with her wisdom. "Yes, they're mad at you now, but they will be fine."

    Rey hope she was right. They'd get over this in time, but not her.   Never was there a better man than Ben Solo.  And she had lost him. Now she had to face the future alone.  She had Maz and the children but they couldn't give her what she desperately needed.

    Someone to laugh with and  argue with. To feel comfortable  enough to be herself around. Someone to warm her bed and hold her close when the cold wind blows from off the ocean.

It wasn't just about the sex, even though it was incredible. It was more about the connection, the oneness with ones chosen partner, one's chosen mate.

She would be sleeping in that gigantic king sized bed. Alone . Dreaming about could have been with Ben.

There will be no protective arms around her, no deep and thought provoking conversations in front of the fireplace.

And the unbidden thought came of an empty womb. No babies of his. No child with his eyes and wavy black hair.

That thought ripped her to shreds. Her hands shook as she handed Padme' over to Maz then ran.
She ran as fast as she could into the forest so she could scream as loud as she wanted, with only the woodland creatures to witness her grief.

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now