An unstoppable force

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This is just something I found that helps me get through the day: ' I am powerful beyond belief, I radiate confidence, I am an unstoppable force of nature and I am capable of great things. I have the courage to move through my fears and faith that I will be supported.' Found on Pinterest. This is for all of you who have to deal with shit from the not so nice people in your life. We can rise above it!

Rey and Rose went from one drunk , stoned person to another , offering small morsels and expensive alcohol to the ungrateful crowd.

They looked right through them as they went about their tasks, helping themselves to what they wanted without even a 'thank you'. Rey was just a nobody to them. Just a worker bee to swat at if it got to close.

During the evening a woman grabbed at a champagne glass and tipped the whole tray into Rey who was offering drinks , soaking her throughly and didn't even say she was sorry. "Excuse me Ma'm." apologized Rey as politely as she could even though it wasn't her fault. "Watch what your doing!" the woman hissed . "Why'd they hire you? Your so incompetent! I'm so not giving you a tip!"

Rose was a little more lucky with tips from the Alphas and but both had to endure vulgar comments and lewd offers.

Kylo Ren was deep in conversation with Hux when the scent of strawberry shortcake hit him square in the face. His eyes immediately focused on a young Omega in a sexy waitress uniform . His eyes dilated, his heart began to pound wildly in his chest along with his suddenly aching cock. Was she some of the entertainment for the party? He wouldn't mind a lap dance from that sweet piece of Omega ass.
He wasn't so out of it that he didn't noticed the effect she had on him.
Hux also noticed him noticing her. He waved a hand in front of his face but Kylo swatted it away. He wouldn't let those lushes looking tits get away . It was his birthday after all and didn't he deserve a good lay once in awhile?

He sat back watching her making her rounds, impatiently waiting for her to come up to him, but for some strange reason she avoided his table. This he could not stand.

Then when he heard her cry out a loud, "ouch!" as someone pinched her too hard , he jumped up and in two strides pulled the bastard out of his seat and sent him crashing to the floor . "Keep you hands off what's mine!" He howled.

The little Omega in the sexy waitress uniform gasped then quickly dashed away, obviously embarrassed by the scene.

Kylo saw her disappear out of the corner of his eye and followed right behind her. Here was his chance and he was going to take it.

Rey hid in the bathroom and tried to calm herself. What had just happened? Why did this always happen to her?

'Get a grip Rey' she told herself. ''It's no big deal' . But then,

Crash... suddenly the door flew open and there stood a larger than life Alpha.  She gasped as she saw the look in his feral eyes, his pupils blown wide. She had been avoiding him all night. There was just something about him that was terrifying and alluring at the same time.
She had been trying not to stare at him but she felt drawn to him, to his unusually handsome face and wind swept black hair. He was definitely her type. Her other mistakes had looked remarkably like him.
Now here he was , standing in front of her . Looking like he had just run a marathon.

His breath was erratic, his wide shoulders heaving. But the most embarrassing to her was the obvious wet spot on the front of his trousers.

Then to her horror her mating gland begins to sweetly throb and slick gushed down her legs. How was she going to hide her reaction to him? It was fucking impossible.

"Who are you?" He manages to say through gritted teeth. "Do you know what your doing to me? My god, Omega, you've triggered my rut!"

Rey was momentarily speechless as she shook her head'no'. She looked up into his wild ferocious eyes that were as black as night and finally found her voice.

She trembled in fear as she tried to explain. " No, that can't be possible. I'm on the maximum dose . I can't ..... you can't....."

The last of her words died on her lips as the tiny bathroom became even smaller. " But you are in a heat, I can tell by your scent. No one else could tell , but I could." He smiled wickedly and Rey knew what was about to happen.

Were her suppressants so ineffective that now she had to fight off a horney Alpha?  She couldn't be in a heat, she would be able to tell, wouldn't she? Oh god , this wasn't going to go well.

She knew what she had to do but did she have the strength to do it?

"How about a birthday shag?" He grabbed her roughly around her waist and pulled her into his hard chest. " what do you say, pretty Omega? My tips are generous."

And with that disgusting comment she recovered her senses enough to knee him in painfully in the balls.

Kylo roared out in pain and doubled over , giving Rey enough room to squeeze past him and escape . She had to get out of there before he came looking for her again and this time get revenge for the missed opportunity to claim her.

She ran so fast and her tears were so hot that she forgot to stop to get her pay for the night.


Kylo staggered out of the bathroom cursing and ready to kill if anyone got too close. That easy piece of ass wasn't so easy after all and his balls were paying the price.

Well, might as well find Bazine and work his frustrations out on her. She wasn't his first choice of this for a ill timed rut,but she was better than nothing.

He swayed back and forth. Had they left the dock already or was he still so inebriated that he couldn't walk a straight line?

He didn't feel drunk enough so he grabbed a half empty bottle of whiskey and downed it in one gulp. Not enough. He still needed something more to dull the pain. Another bottle of whiskey found its way into his hands. Now where was his wife?

Kylo wasn't one for smooth talking or quiet entrances. He slammed the door open to his bedroom and saw two people currently doing the nasty on his bed.

Bazine was riding Hux with wild abandon,while one hand grabbed and squeezed her bare breast while the other stroked her clit. They didn't even look up to see who had unceremoniously walked in on them, they were to busy doing what they were doing to notice the raging Alfa in the door way.

Kylo let out a feral cry that would scare the fish beneath his feet. It took him exactly five strides to reach Bazine, then push her off of her lover. She fell off bed and added her screams to her husbands.

"What do you think you are doing!" It was Bazine not Kylo who screeched those words. Long ago , they had made a deal that they could sleep with anyone they chose. Theirs was not a true marriage in the sense of the word. More like a merge of bank accounts that suited them both. So why would he be angry that she hooked up with someone?

Kylo yanked Hux of the mattress and punched him square in the jaw. Well, Hux didn't much care for that kind of treatment and slugged him right back.

"Let take this outside." Growled Kylo.

"Gladly." Hux growled back. His Alphaness making him bold.

The air outside was brisk and cool as the ship bobbed up and down on the water. They had already left the harbor but still within sight of the dock.

Kylo took the first swing which missed its mark. Hux laughed at the poor attempt at cleaning his clock. Kylo swung again and Hux dodged the massive fist. How it was possible Hux would never know. Bless the rocking ship for saving his face.

Now it was his turn. He was going to wipe the floor with this guy.

It only took one good clean swipe. Kylo blinked twice .... stumbling backwards, then felt the world tip on its side as he fell down ....down.... down into the dark depths of the ocean.

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now