Go to him

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'Maybe she needed someone to show her how to live and he needed someone to show him how to love.' N.R. Hart

Rey stumbled into the brightly lit kitchen , wincing as the morning light came pouring in from a grubby window.

She thought that the  dirt and grime of a window would block out most of the sun light , but not true . Enough came through to cause pain to Rey's throbbing temples. 

God, this felt like a blazing hangover without the fun of getting drunk.

Maz handed her a cup of hot coffee and offered a sympathetic smile.

"Rough night honey?" Maz questioned . But she only had to take one look at Rey to know the poor girl was miserable.

Rey picked up Padme' out of her playpen and kissed her downy cheek. The toddler giggled and excitedly waved her pudgy hands when her mother put her in her high hair.

Rey loved this little girl more than life itself. To bad her father was a complete imbecile. How Maz could be  the mother of one of the worst men on the planet she'd never know.  

Like a whirlwind the two boys came running into the kitchen, chaos in their wake.

"Grandma Maz, is breakfast ready yet?" Darth sniffed at the delicious scents of scrambled eggs and sausage wafting through the air.

At eleven years old he was growing like a weed and needed to be feed every hour on the hour.

   His younger brother Anikin was Darth's shadow.  He looked up to him as the only father figure in is life. If Darth did it then it was okay.

    "Soon, you little hellions, now go into the living room until I say it ready. Your mother and I need to talk." Maz swatted Ani on the backside lovingly.

  They scampered off and Rey could hear  commercials as Anikin turned on the T.V. looking for Saturday morning cartoons.

    She turned and put Padme' back in her playpen then looked at Maz as if the world was turning upside down, then sat heavily in a kitchen chair. She gathered her courage and let it tumble out...

      "Maz, I had the most scandalous dream. He and I, you know the one that cornered me in the bathroom." She stoped to take a deep breath. "We did things."

       Maz nodded, looking at Rey in sympathy urging her to unburden her mind.

  "But this dream... it was so real. And I was a willing participant. I did things to him that I've never done before. And I liked it."

     Maz remained quiet as she contemplated the dream.   " My dear, don't worry so. It was just a dream. A very vivid dream. Perhaps in your subconscious you may have ....."

   But Rey stoped her before she could say,'you may have wanted it.'    "No ,  no way!"

   This wasn't helping so she picked up her coffee cup and went into the living room to stop the fight between her two sons.

     Maz was wonderful in so many ways but now she didn't want to be told she needed a man. She wanted to go to school and learn criminology. She would love to put all the assholes of the world behind bars.

The boys were in an argument over what show to watch.

Rey walked in just as Anikin bursts out with ," Your not the boss of me! I'm not doing that. I'd rather kiss a toilet seat!"
Darth   took him at his word and marched him into the bathroom with a " I can arrange that!"

Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse love storyWhere stories live. Discover now