Forged by Fate

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      When you expose your heart  fully and without fear, and willingly surrender to the one you love,
         You open up your soul. And in doing so, emotional wounds of the past can be healed as the flow of energy becomes unblocked. There is nothing more powerful than true love.   Daniel Neilson

Ben couldn't help the silly grin that stayed firmly on his face all morning.

He had kissed Rey goodbye when she headed out the door for her job at the Cafe' and got a good look at her perky butt in her waitress  dress as she walked away from him.
She had glanced back at him and waved. Her legs were bit wobbly from last night's exertions as she walked to her truck, but she felt like she was walking on air as she said goodbye to her husband'.

His Alpha could detect the aroma of her Omega, the sweet strawberry short cake scent swirling around his head. It still made his mouth water for the taste of her.
He couldn't wait for her to come home and they were alone again.

He had packed the lunches for Darth and Anikin, this time with ham sandwiches and carrots, ( the boys complained about the carrots so he tossed in a Twinkie to pacify the little gremlins) and helped Maz clean the kitchen.

He was getting used to this domestic bliss. He liked it. It somehow felt different.... easier . As if this was all normal from before he lost his memory.
As he vacuumed the thread bare carpet he thought about last night. The smile on his face grew larger as he remembered the exquisite feeling of Reys lips on his. Her lips leaving trails of shivering ecstasy on his skin.
Their bodies fit together so perfectly as if they were made for each other in some cosmic furnace of destiny. Forged in Fate.

He was so proud of her. He would do what ever he could to help her reach her dreams of going to school and getting a degree.

He did feel regret that in all the years they'd been together they had never done the matting bite. 

           Was he gone so much on his truck driving trips that he was never around when she had a heat? He would have to remedy that as soon as she felt one coming on.
He imagined having more pups with her. Her walking around filled with with his seed was all the motivation he needed to be better for her. His memory had to come back eventually, right?

Was he such an ass that he would disappear for weeks at a time and leave her and the children to fend for themselves?  
Never again would he abandon his family he vowed to himself.

Thank the maker his mother was there to keep things running smoothly.

Then, as if thinking of the sweet old lady caused her to materialize, Maz came around the corner and put a wrinkled hand on his arm. He stopped immediately and looked down into her deep brown eyes. She looked tired but determined to tell him something very important.

" Son, I know you don't remember, but next week is your and Rey's wedding anniversary. You should get her something special. Something that the two of you could use. Expensive but practical too."

She tugged him over to sit next to her on the couch and showed him an advertisement of  couches and  other fine furniture.

       "There is a sale going on at the furniture and mattress store in town. I have a large nest egg saved for emergencies. I want you to use it to buy a nice bedroom set for Rey. You could benefit from it too. I know the bed she is sleeping on now is not big enough for two grown adults." She winked at him and he got the message loud and clear. This definitely was a emergency . He wouldn't be making love to her on that child sized mattress another day.  And.....

No more sleeping on that damn couch!

They went to the furniture store that afternoon before anyone came home. Ben pushed Padme' in her stroller as he and Maz looked at beautiful bedroom sets.

Maz knew Rey liked a soft romantic look. Ben of course had no idea how to pick out furniture. But he did know they needed a king sized mattress.

After the shopping and purchase of the furniture was over, Ben could tell Maz was overly tired. "Are you okay, mom?" He said with concern. She did look white as a sheet and had to stop to catch her breath several times .

"Yes , I'm fine. Just not as young as I used to be."  She waved him away and continued cooking dinner.

But by that evening her breathing was shallow and fast. Rey looked at her in terror as Maz clutched at her chest and groaned.

    "Call an ambulance Ben! I think she's having a heart attack!"  Rey screamed as Maz collapsed on the floor.


  An hour  later Maz was laying in a hospital bed, tubes coming from everywhere in her tiny fragile body. 

     Rose had gone over to the house to sit with the children so Ben and Rey could follow the ambulance to the hospital.

Rey said nothing all the way there, just watched the outside fly by as they drove as fast as they could. Ben thought it best if he drove. Rey was to distracted with worry. He could hear her sniffling and whispering to herself. ' she'll be okay. She's just a little sick and needs some rest. That's all ." Trying to convince herself that all was going to be fine.

       But when they approached the room, she gasped and reached out to Ben as they stood and looked at Maz through the hospital room window.  Maz was so small and helpless laying in the hospital bed.  

How sick was she really?  Was she going to die?

     "Ben, this can't be happening! I can't lose her . She's my rock , my anchor. I can't do anything without her. Please do something.... Anything. Just make her better."  Rey begged .

       He took her into his arms and hugged her to himself. He was prepared protect his family with his own life if it came to that.

   She felt his lips kiss the top of her head in a gesture of comfort, and his arms tightened around her waist  reassuringly.

  "Let's wait to hear what the doctor says when they are through examining her , okay."    He said calmly. He looked down the long hallway, hoping to get a glimpse of the doctor coming towards them. Nothing yet.

        He hated hospitals. He knew first hand how they wouldn't give you a straight answer and  just fed you false hopes. He prayed that wouldn't be the case here.
   From his own experience laying helpless in a hospital bed , not knowing how he came to be here and even his own name, this could go sideways very fast or eventually everything would work out.

        They waited patiently , hoping for the best while imaging the worst. The doctor confirmed that Maz did in fact suffer a heart attack.

    "We will need to keep her here for a few days while she recovers. Then when she  is ready she can be released into your care."

Ben signed in relief when the doctor said that Maz would live. He couldn't lose his mother yet, not when he was just getting to know her again.

He felt Rey slump into his side with exhaustion and relief and began sobbing into his shoulder . His arm tightened around her waist to support her .

They would do what ever it takes to care for the most important woman in both their lives. Neither one of them realized what a Cupid Maz was to them.

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