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A D O N I S 

I had ruined the beautiful night on Earth. I turned the warm air cold, I turned the clear sky to rain. The thunder and lightning are about to be left behind me as I reach the entry point to The Underworld. Two vampires stand guard in the rain.

They immediately bow for me the second I reach them. But unlike what a King should do, I don't honor their sign of respect. Instead, I mutter a spell and pierce their hearts with the blade of my sword. 

My hair is wet as I enter The Underworld. The flames burn even brighter than I remember. The demons, they needed to die, they tried to kill Valeria, they needed to die. I felt a random urge to slaughter them all tonight and return home to the woman I love.

"Adonis, you're back," a demon says. He runs up to me. "They say you've lost your mind, they say you're insane, they say you killed your father. Is that true?"

"Hm," I hum calmly. "I'm not sure. Why don't you ask him."

My blade claims yet another life of one of my own. It felt like just yesterday I had taken the vow to do everything in my power to save them. Now I did everything in my power to kill them. 

I hunt down every single demon I can. They try to kill me, but they don't get close, I drop body after body as the blood of my own splatters across my face. It felt right. To kill them all. To kill them all for her.

I hear somebody behind me. Slowly, I turn around. My head tilts as I look at her. Selena stands there, afraid, she knows that I am no longer their savior, but the savior of Valeria.

The second I move toward her, she lifts her hands up to try and do a spell. But I move my hand faster. I do a spell to choke her, she clutches at her throat as she cannot breathe. My footsteps are slow. I do not look at her with sympathy. 

She falls to the ground, making choking noises as she tries to breathe. Her face turns red as she looks up at me, and I smile at her. I smile as I watch her choke to death before me. 

"Y..you will...never be with her," she manages to choke out although it pains her. "It's impossible."

"What is impossible is your chance of survival," I say. I make the spell choke her more. 

"The....Lord made sure of it," she choked out. My eyebrows lower.

I stop the spell. She takes in a large breath of air as her lungs burn for it. 

Between the flames, I question, "What the hell are you talking about."

She continues to rub her throat as her breathing remains heavy. Through breaths, she says, "It was made to be impossible for you two to be together."

"What does that mean?" I question. But when she doesn't respond, my tone turns demanding. "What the fuck does that mean, Selena?"

She just looks up at me with a smile.

"Kill me, and you'll never know," she says. 

My teeth clench. I hold the sword, I could easily kill her with it. She looked up at me, waiting for my decision, and the lowering of my sword gave her that. She smirked knowing she had bought herself more time. I wanted to kill her, I know I should, but something about what she says stops me.

I turn. I may not have killed all the demons, but I had killed enough for now.

"I'll see you again, Adonis," Selena says behind me. "It's only a matter of time."


Valeria stands in the front yard, painting as the wind blows. My rage from last night had died down and the sky was once again clear. I sit on the porch behind her and watch. I watch as the fabric of her dress hugs her curves when the wind blows. I watch the flowers that stick out of her braid. I watch her paint the water below.

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