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Transferring into a class filled with witches and fairies made me borderline nauseous. At least the vampires I could stand. But it's necessary, I believe I'll be able to find people out more easily this way. 

"And that concludes today's lecture," the professor says as he drops the piece of chalk. "Now, I'd like to do an exercise today. Partner up with the person behind you, as long as they are not the same species as you, and go out to the courtyard."

I swear under my breath. I turn around to see who it is I'm paired up with.

"You've got to be kidding," I whisper as I look at the big brown eyes belonging to Valeria.

She smiles at me. I don't.

Normally when people talk to me as much as she has been, I tell them to fuck off, and if they don't listen, I make them. But I don't with her. I suspect her of possibly being an Angel. The more I talk to her, the more I see her, the more I'm more likely to see her slip up.

Valeria stands across from me as we stand on the grass. I look down at her. The professor calls out, "Okay! Now, the person on the left, act as if you were going to attack. And the person on the right, practice your defense - but don't hurt them!"

"Tell me if I hurt you, okay?" she says. I laugh. She doesn't like this. "What?"

"You're not capable of hurting me, little witch," I state like a fact. 

"Valeria," she corrects. "And I believe that I am. And after physically, hopefully, it'll hurt that ego, too."

She has confidence. But I know I'm stronger than her. No matter what she is, angel, witch, whatever, demons are stronger than any other being. And the only ones stronger than me are my father and brother. I tell her, "Try and attack me."

Witches don't fight. They use spells. I think that maybe I had gotten her, had her figured out, and realize that she couldn't do magic. But she raises her hand, it's supposed to send me flying back, I feel the energy hit my chest in an attempt to push me, but my feet remain planted.

She looks confused. She looks at her hand as if she had done something wrong. I take a step toward her, she tries to do it again, but she's unable to move me. She tries other spells, ones that are supposed to inflict pain, but I just take them while continuing to walk toward her.

Once I'm close enough, I grab her arm. She tries to get out but I turn her around and have the back of her body pressed against the front of mine, I hold her in place, and she grunts as she tries to get out of my strength. I lean down and say in her ear, "I'm not a weak vampire like the rest of these idiots."

"Weak, maybe not," she says as she finally gives up trying to get out of my grip. "But an idiot, yes."

I let her go. She quickly steps away from me and rubs her hands against the wrinkles that form on her clothing. The teacher calls out, "That's the end of today's class, I'll see you all next week! Enjoy your weekend!"

The old bell rang. But we continued to stare at each other. Maybe I was wrong, she was a witch. 

"Be careful who you threaten, Valeria," I say as I start walking past her, but pause just before her. "Especially those who are stronger than you."

I keep walking. I feel her cocoa-colored eyes on me as I walk back inside. I started to doubt if she was an angel - angels typically are not that weak. But I wouldn't rule it out just yet. 


On weekends, you are allowed to stay out later than usual. You can stay out until 12, unlike 10 on the weekdays. Tomorrow night I will meet with my father, I'll return to the underworld, and tell him what I've found. My results so far have been lackluster. 

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