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Alora Velencia
Gone too soon
Missed by many.

I questioned everybody around me. Every face, every smile, I questioned who it was that was responsible for all these suicides, and how they made them do it. Alora was found in her bathtub, her wrists stained in blood, taking her own life in the middle of the night with no explanation why.

I wish I could've saved her. All of them. I'm supposed to save, help, guide, yet death is everywhere around me. 

I left the school to clear my head. I went to the city to walk in the park. As I passed people, I unintentionally gave them rude looks. I envied them. The human couple I walk past who eat ice cream and laugh. I'm jealous of the simplicity of that life.

I continue walking. The thought of leaving the school crosses my mind. There was no need to hide there anymore, the demon was dead, and something sinister still lurked there. It wasn't an ordinary school. I wasn't sure what evil creature watched from the shadows, deciding who their next victim would be, I knew I risked becoming their next one with each day I stayed there.

I walk down the street, my hair blows behind my back and my hands stay warm in my jacket pocket. As I turn, walking down an alleyway, I feel something behind me. I look, I see nothing, I question if maybe it was just the wind.

I continue walking. But I hear the noise again. I stop, I turn around, looking for what I was hearing. But I couldn't find anything responsible for the noise.

I turn back around and jump as I see Stella standing in front of me. 

"Fucking creep," I say to her. "I thought you left school?"

"I did. But I can't leave before I talk to you," she says seriously.

I roll my eyes. I had no time for her insults. I step around her and keep walking as I say, "Unless it's to say you're gonna make yourself stop breathing, I don't wanna hear it."

Not so angelic of me to say. I'd curse at myself for it if I had a single care for her.

"Look, I know we hate each other," she says sternly. I nearly laugh at that until she grabs my arm and makes me stop walking. "It's about Adonis."

I look at her. She looks afraid. I don't understand it. 

"What about Adonis?" I question.

She's afraid to answer. I watch as she swallows and gathers the courage. She whispers to me, "You need to run from him, Valeria. Adonis is not just a vampire. He's a demon."

"Are you serious, Stella? You're gonna waste my time with these bullshit accusations?"

"They aren't bullshit," she nearly snaps, her breathing increases a bit as her eyes widen out of fear. "I saw it. His eyes turned full black. He could control the lights - run from him, Valeria, before it's too late."

Adonis could not be a demon. It didn't make any sense. I knew better than that, he would've killed me by now. I say to her, "Go waste somebody else's time."

I turn and keep walking. She remains standing where she was. 

"Don't say I didn't warn you!" she shouts.


A D O N I S 

I dream of her again. We're in bed, in silk sheets, the moon watching through the window as we commit a forbidden act. Her lips on mine, I'm on top of her, I touch her soft skin and hair. It's a beautiful few minutes of life, no worries, just her body against mine.

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