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Angels live in constant fear and danger while simultaneously trying to save anybody they can.

Angels want to help. No matter how dangerous. I believe it to be both a blessing and a curse.

2 years ago, my family got killed by a demon that made its way to Heaven. Nobody knows how they got in. All we knew was that the place we called home was no longer safe, and Earth was to become our new home.  

I walk down the hallway on my way to class. I look up, and in front of me, I see the same man from the library yesterday.

His large back muscles filled out his black shirt. His black shoes that hit the floor were designer and expensive. Angels, we are drawn to the darkness, so that we can convert them to the light. Vampires have the darkest aura. They are selfish, and they kill, however, not all of them are bad.

But the darkness from the man in front of me was unlike any vampire I had ever met. 

I could see his face slightly. He looked tired. His eyes perhaps looked dead. I speak up to the rude stranger, "Rough night?"

He looks over his large shoulder. He seems annoyed that it's me again.

"Those wolves kept me up all night with their howling," he complains as I now walk beside him. "They will be lucky if they make it through the night."

"It's against academy rules to hurt another student in any way," I say while furrowing my eyebrows. I could see on his face that he already knew this, he just didn't care.

"Why are you following me again so early, little witch?" he asks. He looks down at me for a moment. His eyes are brown.

"I'm not following you," I reply. It's a bit of a lie. As an angel, I'm drawn to the dark aura around him, wanting to help him, save him from whatever it is making him that way. 

He continues looking forward. I knew we would not be in the same classes, witches and vampires barely get along.

I find it easier to present myself as a witch than a fairy. Fairies have wings, small ones, of all colors. Mine are white, they are big, I would give myself away in a second. We can do certain spells that witches can do, good ones, pure ones. 

"Could've fooled me," he almost mutters. He doesn't tell me to get lost. That surprises me a bit for a man I think may just be allergic to emotion. 

"You still haven't told me your name," I say. He stops walking as he reaches the door to his classroom. I stand, I play with my bracelet, feeling slightly uneasy under his eyes that were as empty as a corpse.

"I don't need to," is all he says. It makes my eyebrows lower. "You'll find out soon enough."

He turns and enters the classroom, shutting the door behind him.


I chew my lunch in the busy cafeteria. Cristella and Hazel argue about some spell, I know I'd never be able to do it so I barely listened as I ate the food served to us today.

"No! It would need to be done during the night -," Cristella had begun arguing back, but slowly, her voice trailed off. "No way."

I swallow the food and look up at them since they both sit across from me. I ask them, "What?"

They both looked shocked. It only made me more confused. Hazel nearly whispers, "He's back?"

I look over my shoulder to see who it is they are talking about. The vampire whose name I don't know walks through the cafeteria, still in all black, the same color as his tattoos, with the same empty look I had seen this morning.

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