Hockey ninja

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Summer's pov.

"When are we going to rest?", asked Simba.

I looked back at my kids. They were exhausted. I sighed. And Diego looked like he was gonna collapse any second. We should rest. I noticed that we reached an asteroid that had caves in it. This could be a great place to rest. Buck raised his arm in the air, measuring something. I was about to ask if we could get, at least, a few hours of sleep. But Buck beat me to it.

"Okay, mammals. Let's stop here for the night.", stated Buck, and I sighed in relief.

"Stop?", complained Manny to which I rolled my eyes, "What about the whole end-of-the-world collision thing?"

Buck waved his hand, "Oh, the asteroid's still a day off.", and then smiled, "And like my grandfather used to say...", said Buck before speaking in an old-ish voice, "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Purple sky at night, who moved my foot cream? I need my foot cream.", finished Buck and spoke in his normal voice, "Grampy was a confused and angry weasel."

Manny shook his head, "But-"

"Manny!", I interrupted and he turned his head at me, "We all need a rest. We look like zombies. We won't be able to walk anymore.", I stated and Manny sighed in defeat.

I looked to the side and saw Diego walking in a cave with my kids trailing behind. Of course, women are always the last ones to go to sleep. Suddenly, I heard laughing. I looked behind Manny and saw Julian laughing with Slash. I raised a brow. Since when did those two become buddies?

"You are so funny, J.", said Slash.

"Stop. You're funny.", denied Julian.

Then, they started doing a handshake.

"Take it easy, my brother from a tiger mother."

I rolled my eyes and went inside the cave where Diego and our kids went. I saw my kids sprawled out on the ground. I chuckled before pushing Simba closer to his sister and brother. I smiled at them. I heard a thud. I looked behind me and saw Diego also sprawled out. How did I get so lucky to have a wonderful family like this? I guess I'll never find an answer to that. I walked over to Diego and rubbed my head on his. He let out a soft purr. I chuckled and started walking out of the cave.

"You're not gonna sleep?", asked Diego sleepily.

I turned my head at him, "I will. I just want to see how everyone else is doing.", I explained, "And you're gonna sleep?"

"Now that you mentioned.", he said and stood up, "I'm going as well."

I looked back at our kids. They were already softly snoring.

"They'll be okay, right?", questioned Diego.

I huffed, "What do you mean 'right?'? They're sleeping. Now let's go, don't want to wake them up."

I and Diego walked out. I noticed Slash sitting near the ice. I walked up and sat next to him. Diego sat next to me.

"They fell asleep already?", asked Slash.

I hummed in response before asking, "Why are you sitting here?"

"Well,", said Slash before starting to ramble, "after the handshake I shared with Julian, Manny asked 'what was that?'. I asked 'what was what?'. He showed handshake movements with his trunk. I laughed and said 'Oh, that! It's a cool way to peace out. Julian taught it to me.'. Then, Manny sarcastically said 'Well, I'm glad the apocalypse is bringing you together.'. I answered 'He's a good kid, Manny. I like his philosophy. Give him a chance. Bond with him.'. And Manny agreed to it. So now I'm waiting for him and Julian.", he finished and took a deep breath before turning his head to us, "Did you get that?"

I and Diego stared at him with a blank look.

Diego slightly shook his head, "Not really."

"Me either.", I added.

Suddenly, Manny skated in front of us and stopped. Then, he pointed to somewhere and looked at Slash.


We looked at where Manny was pointing at. It turned out to be Julian trying to skate on the ice. He failed miserably. If my kids were here, they would have laughed their butts off.

"Oh, boy.", murmured Diego.

The two mammoths started to play hockey. Julian was the goalkeeper. Manny continued to score and score. It was getting boring already. Another goal made its way into the goal and Julian turned around to look at it.

"Oh, so close!", exclaimed Julian, "These pucks go fast."

"Just watch the puck all the way into the stick.", instructed Manny, again.

Manny pushed the puck, with a stick, towards Julian. He crouched down and watched it really closely. Then, the puck softly hit the stick in Julian's trunk. He gasped and smiled.

"Oh! I did it!"

Manny sighed, "Too bad you and Peaches are moving away. If you stayed, we could do this all the time."

"Okay.", said Julian before getting into position, "Show me the heat! I'm like a hockey ninja."

Manny started skating towards Julian. I noticed Peaches walking near the edge so she could watch her fiance and her father play hockey.

"Hey, Peaches!", called Julian, "Looks like you got a new hockey partner to replace your dad."

Uh oh. Manny glared and swung the stick, yeeting the puck towards Julian. The puck hit his head. I, Diego, and Slash winced. Manny stopped in his tracks. Julian fell on the ice. The ice broke beneath him.


~Time Skip because Buckminster~

Manny, Ellie, Slash, Diego, and I watched as Crash and Eddie tried to warm up Julian by rubbing his fur with leaves. Peaches looked at him worryingly.

"Such a mystery why he wants to move far away.", commented Diego, causing me to elbow him.

"I didn't mean to do it. It's not my fault the kid has no reflexes.", defended Manny and I raised an eyebrow at him.

Peaches walked towards us, "How could you do that to him? I thought you liked Julian."

"I do like Julian."

"Well, you don't act like it. When you look at him, all you see is an obstacle. Or worse, a target.", argued Peaches before looking at her father with a sad look, "But I see a sweet guy...who's trying his hardest to impress you."

Ellie shook her head, "Peaches..."

"No! Both of you, just stop! If we survive, I'm still getting married and I'm still leaving home. Whether you're happy for me or not."

Peaches walked back to Julian. Ellie raised an eyebrow at Manny.

"Don't give me that look. She said both. That means you, too."

I sighed and looked at the two mammoths, "If you're gonna keep doing this,", I started and they both turned their heads at me, "you're gonna lose your daughter's love."

The two looked down sadly. I started walking away, Diego and Slash following. It's a good thing my kids didn't have to witness all of it. Before I walked into the cave, I turned to Slash.

"Goodnight, Shadow."


I walked inside and saw my kids still fast asleep. I smiled at them and lay down a few feet away from them. Diego lay down next to me. I rubbed my head with his. We both started to purr. I smiled and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight, Diego.", I said as he put his head on top of mine.

"Goodnight, Summer."

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