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No one's pov.

Another meteor fell and crashed into the ice. But it didn't stop there. The ice melted and the meteor fell into the dinosaurs' world. Some dinosaurs were eating plants. Suddenly, a dinosaur flew by. In the distance, there was another one distracting a female dinosaur who was with an egg. The bigger one snatched the egg and flew away, the smaller one following. The one who snatched the egg turned out to be a female.

"Look at that! I got an egg.", spoke the female and looked at the smaller dinosaur, "How many eggs did you poach, little brother?"

"Do we have to steal other creatures' eggs?", asked the smaller one, "I mean, couldn't we just go vegan?"

"Sure, we could eat vegans."

The female threw the egg at the smaller one. He didn't catch it, though. It was about to fall, but a male dinosaur caught it.

"Son, sometimes I wonder how you snuck into this family.", said the male.


The dinosaurs snapped their heads at the voice. Someone was showering.

And it was our favorite weasel...Buck.

"...With you in a minute.", said Buck and popped his head out, "I'll have to rinse and repeat."

The older male groaned, "That weasel is such a buzzkill. Let's go, kids."

The dinosaurs flew down. Buck opened the curtain and started drying himself.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I'll catch the crew that poached your egg.", stated Buck and took a sip from a drink, and laughed, "It's a pun! I'm winking under the eye patch."

Said Buck and fell. Then, he started singing while fighting off the dinosaurs.

"A mother is crying

A damsel in distress

Foreboding intruders

have made such a mess

What I detect

is a lack of respect

For all that is precious and dear

I am the pint-sized protector of this lost world"

Buck stopped for a moment and smiled while holding the egg.

"But my friends call me Buck.".

The egg got snatched again by one of the dinosaurs.

Buck laughed, "Well played, guys."

"I have a message,

bullies not welcome

Return what you've stolen

Go back to where you came from


You know I'm greater,
so don't be a hater
You may be Jurassic,
but I am fantastic"

Buck stopped again and put his knife down. He sang again and listened to the echo.

Buck sighed, "Oh, love that bit."

"Running and climbing and spinning and grinning

And dashing and diving and dodging

And sliding and gliding and staying alive

And these are a few of the things

That I do before lunch


Ice Age: Collision Course//Diego x OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin