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Summer's pov.

Thunder continued rumbling. I decided to keep my kids as close to me as possible. I looked around. Buck was leading the way out front. Next to me walked Diego. Our kids were in front of us, not even a few feet. Slash was behind us. He looked kinda lonely. I wouldn't be surprised if he finds the love of his life in this mess. Sid and Granny, we're beside him. Behind him walked Ellie and Manny, and next to them were the possums. They were trying to seduce Peaches and Julian to stay. Thunder rumbled again and Peaches moved closer to her parents. Manny and Ellie smirked at each other and fist-bumped with their trunks. Well, at least we're all together. I looked forward again. Buck accidentally kicked a space rock and it bounced on another one. Suddenly, electricity rose.

"Everyone, try not to create any sort of friction.", stated Buck while dodging the electric line.

"No friction. Got it."

"Yup. Cool beans."

The possums spoke. I looked at them and they were running in place on Julian's fur. In the process, creating friction.

"Friction is what now?", asked Crash.

Eddie and Crash stopped and went to touch each other's fingers. All of us panicked and kept saying no over and over again. Then, the idiots touched their fingers and lightning went up in the sky. After that, I swear, I smelled chicken.

No one's pov.

Then, electricity rose from the rocks again. But this time more rapidly.

"Come on! Let's get out of here!", demanded Buck while dodging the electricity.

Summer and Diego quickly pushed their kids forward and they ran. Slash ran around everyone and also ran out front. Crash and Eddie wanted to jump over a space rock but got struck. They slowly sat up...looking like Einsteins. Meanwhile, Sid was trying to make Granny walk faster.

"Hurry, Granny.", said Sid while trying to walk faster in his state, being all poofed out.

"Don't you hurry me.", complained Granny, "I've been struck by lightning more times...", suddenly, Granny got struck by lightning.


Granny got struck again and continued to walk as if nothing happened, "...than you've had hot breakfasts."

Julian tried to get Peaches on a hill he was standing on. Then, electricity struck their trunks, causing them to let go. Peaches fell back down and got surrounded by electricity.


Julian went to help her but some rocks fell down, making the circle around Peaches smaller.

"Julian, don't move!", demanded Peaches.

Julian hesitated but obeyed. Peaches looked around and turned back to Julian.

"I have an idea."

Manny helped Ellie get on a hill. She looked down and gasped. The older mammoths ran towards Julian.

"I'm coming, sweetheart!", shouted Manny, "Julian, why aren't you helping her?"

"Wait! No, Manny, she..."

Just then, the rock beneath Manny and Ellie fell off and it slid into the electric circle...just as Peaches jumped from it. Manny and Ellie looked around confused.

"Uh, what are you guys doing?", asked Peaches.

Manny grinned, "Helping?"

There on the hill stood Summer, Diego, Nala, Dexter, Simba, and Slash.

Summer huffed, "What would "not helping" look like?"

Diego looked around and noticed Einstein Crash and Einstein Eddie looking with wide eyes at electricity.

"Hey, zapheads!", called Diego.

Crash and Eddie turned their heads to Diego. Diego took the possums and made friction, causing electricity between them. Diego puts them on his back and starts running, electricity follows.

"Manny, get ready to run!", shouted Diego and removed electricity from the circle.

Manny and Ellie quickly stood up and ran away. Diego, while running, jumped over a rock, and electricity stuck on it.

Summer's pov.

All of us, screaming, ran away from the forest. As we made it into a clearing we stopped.

"Everybody made it?", asked Diego.

"Slash, Manny, Crash, Eddie, Ellie, Granny.", counted Sid before groaning, "Aw, shoot! I'm out of fingers."

"Buck.", stated Simba, "Where's Buck?"

We all turned around and saw Buck standing on a log near the forest. He raised his ear.

"Do you hear that?", he asked and snapped, "A baby! There's a baby in there!"

Buck quickly ran back into the forest.

"Buck, wait! It's too dangerous.", shouted Crash.

We watched in worry as the trees zapped and soon the whole forest exploded. I watched in horror. My kids had tears in their eyes. Suddenly, Buck's knife fell down to the ground.

"He's gone."

"I can't believe it.", said Sid.

"Don't know how we'll go on without you, Buck.", sadly spoke Granny before turning around, "All right, let's go."

Suddenly, in the sky appeared a fire ball. And it seemed that screaming was coming from it.

"It's Buck!"

A log fell down. Diego rushed to it, all of us following, and he slashed the log open. There lay Buck holding something in his arms.

"I got you.", whispered Buck to the bundle in his arms, "Don't worry, I got you.", Buck slowly stood up and turned to us, "Say 'hi' everyone."


"Isn't she gorgeous?"

Buck showed us a small...pumpkin. I raised a brow.

"I'm really starting to worry about his mental health.", whispered Nala to which I smiled.

My daughter, everyone.

"How can he tell it's a she?", whispered Sid.

Then, the pumpkin's stem broke and a piece fell off.


"Such a good little poochie-woochie.", cooed Buck and kissed the pumpkin.

Slash cleared his throat, "Uh, just to be clear. That's a pumpkin, right?"

"She has little jaundice, but I think she'll be okay.", stated Buck, "Yes, you will. I think I'll call you... Bronwyn."

We started walking again. Manny stopped and looked at Buck.

"Um, little buddy? We need you back on planet Earth. While it's still here. Okay?"

"Right you are, mammal.", stated Buck and continued to talk to 'Bronwyn', "Who wants to save the world from the fiery asteroid? You do."

I stopped as I caught a scent. I walked back a little and noticed a feather. I hummed and sniffed it. That's the same smell I smelled as I thought I smelled chicken.


"Coming.", I stated and turned around and walked back.

Ice Age: Collision Course//Diego x OCWhere stories live. Discover now