
As the car came to a stop in front of the hospital entrance, Taehyung found himself staring at the imposing building, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and disbelief. Numbness gripped him He didn't know what to feel. 

His parents... No, it couldn't be true. How could it be? The thoughts echoed in his mind, a cacophony of disbelief and denial. He struggled to reconcile the image of his parents, vibrant and full of life, with the harsh reality of their sudden absence.

The weight of it all threatened to overwhelm him, a suffocating pressure that bore down on his chest, making it hard to breathe. With a trembling hand, Taehyung reached for the door handle, his fingers closing around it with a sense of finality. Stepping out of the car, he took a hesitant step forward, his heart heavy with the weight of the unknown.

As Taehyung entered the hospital, Namjoon by his side, they both noticed Mr. Saad at the reception desk. Mr. Saad's gaze met Taehyung's, and he couldn't help but notice the lack of expression on Taehyung's face. It was as if a mask of numbness had settled over him, shielding him from the raw emotions swirling within.

 With a heavy heart, Mr. Saad recognized the pain etched in Taehyung's eyes. He knew all too well the devastation that losing loved ones could bring, and his heart went out to Taehyung in silent sympathy.

Mr. Saad's heart ached as he watched Taehyung enter the hospital, his expression void of emotion. Taehyung's parents had been more than just friends to him; they were like family, their bond forged through years of shared experiences and mutual respect.

Namjoon greeted Mr. Saad with a nod, acknowledging the sorrow they both shared. Mr. Saad reached out and gently patted Taehyung's shoulder, a small gesture of comfort, though he knew there were no words that could truly ease Taehyung's pain.

"May Allah give you patience," Mr. Saad's words were simple but heartfelt, a wish for strength in the face of hardship. He understood how much Taehyung was hurting, and he knew that the only one who could calm hearts is Allah. With a nod, Taehyung accepted Mr. Saad's kind words.

هُوَ الَّذِي أَنزَلَ السَّكِينَةَ فِي قُلُوبِ

"It is He (Allah) who sent down tranquillity into the hearts."

"Take him to them," Mr. Saad said softly to Namjoon. Namjoon nodded in understanding and guided Taehyung toward the room where his parents were waiting. Only Taehyung knew how much he hoped they would still be alive.

Each step felt heavy for Taehyung, filled with both hope and fear. He desperately wished to see his parents again, to hear their voices and feel their comforting presence. But deep down, he also feared what he might find behind that door.

When they reached the room, Taehyung's heart pounded in his chest. He paused for a moment, his hand hovering over the door handle, before finally mustering the courage to push it open.

inside, his parents lay peacefully, their faces serene in sleep. Taehyung held back his tears, refusing to let them fall. Instead, he buried his emotions deep within himself, locking them away where no one could see. He clenched his fists, willing himself to be strong, to show no weakness in the face of his overwhelming grief.

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