Chapter 19

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The man froze and fell heavily to the ground, before he could even understand what was happening. In front of him, he saw shoes running in all directions, at the same time as flashes of colour. 

-Aurora! Stay where you are!

Obviously, the order shouted by Amanda was not very effective. The men and women began to run in all directions, some of them throwing spells, and a few Muggles even began to draw firearms. Fortunately, the first bullets fired bounced off the protective shields they had surrounded themselves with, giving them time to act and fight back.

The aim was not to hurt, but to stop. However, the screaming had been going on from the start, and the crates were exploding on a regular basis.

-Up there!

Two figures emerged from an office, heads bowed, running agilely away from the fighting. One of them had pulled out a wand and was beginning to cast spells wildly. Harry watched for a few seconds. 

Finally, he found a gap in their defence and attacked. The man was paying more attention to the woman than to his surroundings, so it wasn't difficult to attack just as she nearly fell.

The man fell directly on top of the woman, blocking her with his weight. Harry approached, wand in hand.

-Fucking wizard. You incompetent, move! I'm not going to get arrested because of an idiot like that. 

The woman struggled as best she could, but the stupefix gave the impression that she weighed a ton. She stopped as soon as she saw the dawn beside her. 

-Hello," she tried with a smile. 

Harry pulled the man on the side and helped her to his feet. His eyes were cold, his face serious, his muscles tense, he was ready to attack and defend himself at any moment. The woman dusted off her knee-length floral dress, tucked a red lock of hair behind her back and smiled broadly.

-Hi, there. Adalyn Olsen. And you are?

-Harry Potter.

She looked at him for a moment, confused, before resuming her little speach.

-I suppose you're auroras. Sorry, I've never met one in my life.

-What are you doing here then?

-I'm a poor victim of wizards, of course.

-Of course you did. I didn't want to imply anything else.

Harry's face suddenly relaxed and he gave the woman his best smile. At least, that was true for those who didn't really know dawn. In truth, the man was still very tense, and the smile on his face had not reached his eyes.

-Come with me. 


-And that's how we discovered this organisation!

-But... I just don't get it. What was the role of this Adison woman?


-Yeah, yeah, who cares?" grumbled Draco.

Harry smiled tenderly. He reached for the bottle on the small table in front of them and poured two more glasses of firewhisky before continuing his story.

-This is where things get a little complicated. It turns out that Adalyn, although a Muggle, knew about the wizarding world from her first husband, who had told her about what was happening in our world. After his death, she decided that she could make a bit of money off wizards. But wizards don't trust muggles so easily. 

-Well, those with common sense. 

Although the brunet gave him a sidelong glance, he continued his story as if the interruption had not occurred. 

-She met Barrow Bucks, the man who was trying to get her out of the warehouse. And together they came up with a scheme that would bring the two worlds together. Since muggles don't know we exist, and wizards refuse to mix with muggles, they were able to prosper for years!

-You have to admit it was pretty clever.

Silence fell between them as they quietly sipped their drinks. Draco had joined Harry as soon as the weekend arrived. Of course, the dawn had sent him an owl that very evening to tell him that everything had been sorted out and, above all, that he didn't have a scratch on him.

-Why did they obliviate you?

-Because Amanda and I had been investigating the Auel case. In the file I found, the one where I take notes, I said that the symbol on the crate seemed very specific, and that it was worth seeing if it appeared in other cases. In the warehouse, I recognised the same symbol as on the crates. But between the noise and the spells flying in all directions, Amanda thought I was telling her to aim for the crates. 


-As you said.

Draco remained silent for a moment. He was trying to understand the matter for himself too, and to get used to the fact that the man in his life had forgotten him for a question of drawing. 

-I am sorry Draco.

-The great Harry Potter apologising? It must be a truly exceptional day then. 

-I am serious.

-I know... I'm just not ready to hear it.

-Hear what ?

It was now Harry's turn to be lost.

-Now that your case is over, and you know what caused the memory loss, you're going to tell me that the first thing you did was go and see the wizard, who will explain to you that it's too late, and that none of your memories can be recovered. 

-That's right. But I was also going to add that it doesn't matter to me, and that I love you.

Draco's heart skipped a beat as he looked into his man's eyes. If he'd been less upset, he might have thought of wiping away the tear rolling down his cheek, but Harry had to do it.

-I was so scared of losing you," murmured the blond.

-I know. I'm sorry. I'm here now. And everyone knows about us, so it won't happen again.

-I'm warning you, if you do that to me again, I'll forget your head myself!

Draco tried to laugh, but his throat was so thick with emotion that he could only manage a strangled sound. He rested his forehead against his boyfriend's and sighed with relief.

-I love you too, moron.

Harry kissed him tenderly. The two wizards stayed there for a while, finally enjoying the peace and happiness of being together.




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