Chapter 15

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-I just don't get it!

-Calm down, Amanda.

-No !

Despite everything, the young woman dropped into a chair and looked at Harry in disappointment. The files were spread out in front of them. They had gone down to the Register. A big white room, where all you had to do was say a person's name to get all the information on that person. From their school, their birth, to their trace, and their wand.

However, despite the number of requests, they had only come across homonyms. So they took all the files they could find to try and find a link. But nothing. No Will Webster had ever studied at any school. Not even any proof of the birth of a Cracmol of that name.

-How can he be a wizard and no longer be on the books? Even Tom Jedusor couldn't get out of them. He can't be!

Suddenly the dark-haired man jumped out of his chair.

-That's it, that's it! Yes, you're a genius!

-I already knew that. Can you tell me why this time?

-No sorcerer can disappear from the registers.

-Yeah ?

-No sorcerer.

She looked at him for a few seconds, before the light also dawned in her mind.

-Of course!

-He's a muggle!

-But how is this possible? How could a muggle have infiltrated the wizarding world to the point where he could sell objects infested with dark magic?

-He must have an accomplice," continued Harry.

-Do you think Auel knows anything more?

-No. I don't think he can help us.

-So what do we do now?

Harry and Amanda returned to the office and flicked the files back into place. The problem was how to intervene in the Muggle world without being spotted. Even if there was a Muggle studies department, that didn't mean they could conduct investigations there. And going up to just anyone, only to ask them if they'd seen any black magic, really didn't seem like a good idea.

So they did the only thing they could do, and went to ask the Minister for advice. Unlike on previous occasions, this time Harry waited quietly on the leather seat until his childhood friend had time to see him. Finally, the secretary signalled that they could enter the office.

-Harry, Amanda! Sorry to keep you waiting, but I had to close the budgets today.

-Don't worry, how are you Hermione?

After a quick embrace, the three adults settled into the armchairs.

-I'm fine, a bit tired and overwhelmed, but that's my daily lot now. I must confess that I don't have much time on my hands. Why did you need to see me?

-It's about our case. We went to see our suspect, Barrow Burcks. He told us he'd been in contact with someone called Will Webster. But when we went down to the Register, there was no trace of him anywhere.

-Is that so? Well, that's strange...

-Yes, we think he might be a Muggle," continued Amanda.


The Minister leaned back in her seat, pensive. She didn't need to know any more to understand why they were there.

-The situation is delicate. By law, you can't investigate in the Muggle world. But we can't leave magical objects on the open market either, it's far too dangerous. I'm going to talk to the council and get you an exceptional authorisation.

With her wand, she tapped a few pieces of paper, where writing appeared, before they flew away.

-I've just called an extraordinary meeting for tomorrow. I'll keep you posted. Now, you should go home and get something to eat. It's late already.

-Thank you Hermione.

The two auroras rose. Before Harry could leave, he felt a hand grab his arm.

-How are you?

He smiled gently at his friend.

-Yes, everything's fine for the moment.

-I'm glad I found you again.


She took him in her arms, breathing in his scent, enjoying the solid embrace around her. She'd been really scared for him when she'd heard he was in hospital. And then the whole thing... It had reminded her too much of her parents. She'd cried for hours in Ron's arms.

They parted, and he walked away, while she wiped away a discreet tear. Then she took her own advice and decided to call it a day. She made an exceptionally early trip home, much to the delight of Ron and Rose, who were delighted to welcome her home.

Amanda went off on a date, which she was more than happy to go to. And Harry, who never listened to anyone but himself, stayed in the office. He wanted to review the case, find a connection. Even if he was only a Muggle, his interference with the wizarding world should have left traces, or even the help of a wizard. But without the name of this accomplice, or without having traced the man in the Muggle world... He had the impression of being in a knotted bag, and not knowing by which end to grab it to start untying it.

Finally, after several hours poring over the files of criminals to see if any of them had ever worked with Muggles, he decided to go home.

No sooner had he stepped through the doorway than he was greeted by the smell of cooking. Curious, he followed his nose and found a dish of lasagne still warm in the oven. The morning's crockery he had left behind was clean and tidy.

Harry continued to explore his flat further, curious, even if he suspected who must be behind all this. In the living room, the table had been set for two, and two unlit candles stood proudly.

It was then that he heard light breathing coming from the sofa. He leaned over the backrest to see an adorable blonde head who had fallen asleep, a book still in his hand. Harry smiled tenderly as he stroked his hair.

-You really are an angel like that...

Draco seemed to sense the caress, as he moved in his sleep to grab his hand and press it against him.

For the first time in a while, Harry could really understand why he had fallen in love with Draco. The Slytherin was a far cry from what he had been at Hogwarts, now much softer, and vulnerable in front of him.

Slowly, Harry managed to free his hand. With a flick of his wand and an informal spell, he enlarged the sofa, grabbed a blanket and lay down next to his lover.

Draco felt the warmth next to him and curled up against his body, sighing with pleasure.

-You're late," he growled in his sleep.

-I know, I know. Please forgive me.

Harry smiled, knowing full well that he couldn't be late for an unscheduled appointment, but he'd save that debate for another day.

He fell asleep to Draco's breathing, warm against him.


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