Chapter 17

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-Let's be friends?

Draco's whole body suddenly relaxed. One hand slid down Harry's back, while the second was lost in his brown curls. He pressed their bodies together. He could feel his breath on his face, getting lost in his green eyes.

-Just friends?

Harry smiled back and tenderly caressed her cheek, admiring the contrast between their skins, as surprised as ever by the softness. 

-The ones we should have been when we were 11.

Draco frowned and shook his head. 

-I've given it a lot of thought. I think you were right to refuse my hand when we first met. I wanted you because you were the hero I'd read about in stories, and I admired you. I would have paraded you like a trophy. Today, I love you because you are you, with or without all that glory. But I'd love you even more if you didn't have this capacity to put yourself in danger, and to almost die every four mornings, I should add.

For all answer, he got a light tap on the shoulder. 


Draco kissed the tip of his nose. Harry's arms tightened around him as he buried his face in his neck. He inhaled his scent deeply. 


-What ?

Draco pulled him back a little to look at him. He felt so happy that he was almost sure he could fly.

-Lately. I mean, before I realised we were together, when I was asleep, I'd hug the cushion next to me, make two breakfasts... And I realise that I just couldn't forget how happy it was to have you home with me.

Emotion knotted Draco's throat and he could only kiss him. Their lips played together, tenderly, passionately. When the professor stepped back, his anxieties were long gone.

-Would you like to see another souvenir?

Harry nodded and, after making sure that the blond wasn't really bothered by it, dipped his head into the pensive again.

This time, the scenery around him was extremely precise. Harry could even read the labels on the vials on the wooden shelves. Draco was at his desk, his nose bent over some parchments. He sighed, grunted, scribbled, and from time to time you could see his hand tighten on the quill. Out of curiosity, Real-Harry leaned over his shoulder. The writing was blurred, but the names and notes of some of the students were very legible. The dark-haired man could not contain a grimace when he saw the mark of this poor Gryffindor, who had a level equivalent to his own. 

A few knocks on the door disturbed the professor, who grunted a quick 'come in', clearly signalling that the person was disturbing his work. 

Memory-Harry pushed open the wooden door, startling the blond. Real-Harry felt a wave of pure panic sweep over him. However, when he looked at the blonde's face, it was so serene that it was hard to imagine.


-Malfoy," replied Memory-Harry in a deep voice. 

The two men stared at each other for a moment. Real-Harry noticed that, this time, the scenery was less blurred than at the Three Bays, but it was still difficult for him to see certain details. On the other hand, he could make out every micro-movement made by Memory-Harry. Like the hand that ran through his hair, causing a lock to fall across his cheek. 

Real-Harry then felt a strange desire. The desire to remove the lock of hair that was tickling his cheek. For a moment, he wondered if it wasn't he who was feeling this need, knowing what it felt like. But when he saw Draco's hand trembling, he understood.

-What can I do to help our great hero?

The tone was sarcastic, and the grey eyes never let go of Memory-Harry as he paced around the room. 

-Nothing, I came to see the director. She invited me to tea. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to say hello to my new friend. 

A wave of pleasure shot through Real-Harry like an arrow. He couldn't believe that simple words, when they had only just met, could make him feel so weak and happy at the same time. He also had to underline the professor's performance as an actor. Whatever emotions Real-Harry felt through him, he always showed an impassive face. 

In any case, he suspected that was what Memory-Harry was seeing. Now that he knew the blonde intimately, he could detect every microexpression. He knew, for example, that his slightly thinner lips showed that he was annoyed by this intrusion, and that he hadn't been able to prepare himself properly. 

-We're no friends of Potter.

-Not yet! But they say I'm too stubborn to give up, unbearable enough, but far too lovable to be hated. So it looks like you're stuck with me until I say otherwise. 

Fear spread throughout the room, as a slight wrinkle appeared on Draco's forehead.

-I'm not a social Potter project. I don't need you to come and rescue me or some shit.

Real-Harry could feel that he had hurt Draco deeply. Of course, he was afraid that it was all temporary. That Harry was only there because he was bored, and would leave as soon as he found something much more interesting to do. He could understand why Draco was so defensive. And, much to his chagrin, he could also understand why Memory-Harry was getting annoyed with him.  

-What are you talking about? I'm here because I want to be your friend!

-Your girlfriend left you, and you're looking for someone to look out for you. Stop playing the saviour with me. We're even, you said so yourself at the trial.

-That's not it !

-Go away, Potter. I have no time for you.



As Memory-Harry slammed the door in a rage, Real-Harry caught a glimpse of a tear before being pushed back. 

Once again, his boyfriend was there to welcome him.

-Am I really that stupid?

Draco smiled gently.

-You're my idiot.

As a responsible adult, Harry responded by sticking out his tongue.  

-I'm very sorry. 

-You didn't mean any harm, you know. We talked about that episode later. You explained to me that you sincerely wanted to be my friend and to be there for me. Only you didn't know how to go about it, and you were afraid I'd run away. So you tried not to put too much pressure on me. In this case, by being a complete idiot. 

Harry laughed softly. In the end, both men decided that the emotions had been enough for the day. Like a true gentleman, Draco walked Harry to the edge of Hogwarts.

-See you soon?

-As soon as I'm free, I'll meet you at your flat, OK?

-Try to warn me this time, I'll get there quicker.

-Promises, Harry.

They kissed tenderly and Harry moved on. Draco stood there for a few moments, calming his heartbeat and putting on his impassive face. 

Harry went straight to his office.

-I've been looking everywhere for you, where the hell have you been!

Amanda jumped on him the second he appeared.

-What's going on?

-A huge step forward in the case, you'll have to come with me quickly!


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