Chapter 02

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POV Draco

Draco stood there, completely stunned. Harry walked away from him, without a backward glance, and without him being able to catch up.

Of course, he knew that their relationship was secret, he had been the one to suggest it in the first place. But he had hoped that, after getting hurt on a mission, he would have received a letter to reassure him, or that he would have hugged him, even in front of his friends. That reassuring him was more important than keeping a secret.

And yet, here he goes.


The blond man turned his head to see Amanda looking at him uncomfortably. The two adults had crossed paths several times before, yet the true nature of his relationship with Harry was also unknown to her. The only secret Harry had kept. The only thing the young woman knew was that they had been enemies when they were younger, and that now they saw each other from time to time.

Draco, after extensive studies in Potions and some travelling, had returned and accepted the post of Potions Professor at Hogwarts. Schooling meant that he had little time to travel to London.

-Draco, come and sit down.

-What's happened to him?

-Draco, I ...

-Amanda !

His gaze was stormy, his tone brittle. He had that characteristic Malfoy uprightness and coldness, showing that he would accept no delays and no contradictions.

-A spell of oblivion. He lost the last ten years of his life.

The mask cracked for a moment as Draco staggered. He leaned against the wall beside him, his gaze fixed on the corridor where his former nemesis had disappeared.

-Ten years... Ten years... But we... But we saw each other eight years ago.

-I know, Draco. He doesn't remember anything about your relationship. As far as he knows, the last time he saw you was at the trial.

-Thanks Amanda

The professor had regained his composure and walked slowly away. He needed to be alone, and he needed to think. He needed time too.

Because right now, the love of his life, Harry Potter, had no memory of his relationship with him. He didn't remember their time together, their long discussions to end years of quarrelling, their arguments, and their pillow talk reconciliations. He couldn't remember all those secret meetings, and their pillow talk about their miserable childhoods.

Harry Potter had forgotten that Draco Malfoy had fallen in love with him. But Draco couldn't forget that Harry loved him.

With his heart on his sleeve, he didn't know what else to do but return to Hogwarts. So that's what he did, and went straight to the top of the astronomy tower.

The first thing he did was go to the headmistress' office, who had asked for news of his former pupil.

When he entered the study, Dumbledore's painting greeted him with a nod and a smile.

-Professor Malfoy! I'm so pleased to see you. Please take your seats. And tell me how Mr Potter is

The headmistress pointed to an armchair and brought out cups of tea. Still upright and proud, fighting with all his might to keep his mask in place, Malfoy said in a neutral voice:

-Potter has been hit by a spell of oblivion. He lost the last ten years of his life.

-By Merlin...

The headmistress put the cup down and stood up.

-How did... What did the doctor say?

-I can't tell you, I haven't spoken to him. When I arrived, Potter was already with Granger and Weasley. It was Amanda Green, his team-mate, who informed me.

There was silence. Even Dumbledore, from his painting, made no comment, which would have been impossible when he was alive.

-I've got to go. I've got to get to class.

-Of course, of course. I'll see what I can find out. Perhaps we can help him. I'm well aware of your old animosities, but I'm sure you'll do what you can to restore Mr Potter's memory.

-I don't think there's anything I can do, but rest assured I'll do all the research I can.

Draco got up and left the office. He did indeed have lessons to teach, but his mind wasn't on it at all. He was distracted and let the students work independently on a potion while he sat at his desk.

Staring into space, he didn't know what to do to help Harry. Forgetting spells could be easily counter-spelled if you knew which memory was being targeted and if the spell had been done quickly.

Yet it seemed clear that this was not the case, or the medicomage would have done it immediately.

It drove him mad not to have more information than a casual acquaintance.

And even if he revealed the whole truth now, he wasn't sure he would be believed. After all, he had never made contact with the other members of the Golden Trio, and he didn't know how much he could trust them, and vice versa.

The class ended, and the students left the room in silence, not wanting to disturb the dark aura emanating from their teacher.

Draco spent the rest of the day and the following night immersed in his books, looking for a solution or some kind of help.

He even sent a letter to Hermione Granger to try and find out more about the curse affecting the young man.

That evening, an owl knocked on his office window, delivering the answer he had been waiting for. Despite his desire to tear open the envelope, he took the time to feed the bird of prey before beginning to read.

Good evening Malefoy,

I must admit I'm surprised, not only by your letter, but also by your intervention at the hospital. I understand that you are an excellent potionist, so perhaps you can find a solution?

The spell that hit Harry was complete, but the caster didn't have time to perfect the detail. As a result, all his memories of the last ten years have been lost. Amanda and the other aurors are working on Harry's various investigations to try and find a lead.

He is also actively working on recovering his memories, and on the various leads, despite attempts to persuade him to rest. Of course, he's doing as he pleases.

I'd like to know more about your relationship with Harry. He doesn't remember anything, but I had the impression that something had happened between you.

Don't hesitate to let me know if you need any more details. I hope there's a solution hidden amongst the potions. But I must warn you, Malfoy, of something important. During the war, I had to make my parents forget my very existence. After the war, I tried everything to make them remember, but nothing ever worked.

I hope Harry's fate will be different, of course. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

See you soon, Malfoy.

Hermione  Granger

Draco reread the letter again and again, but nothing helped. He wasn't really learning anything new, except that his hopes were crumbling like a house of cards.

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