Chapter 10

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Harry refused to leave his house, open the door to anyone, or give his friends any news. In fact, he did. To make sure he wasn't disturbed, he'd sent a single message asking not to be disturbed, and that all was well. Then, he had increased all the security around his home, to the point where even an owl could only pass by in an extreme emergency.

Once all that was done, he could really let himself go, as he really wanted to. So naturally, he'd taken out a subscription to every streaming platform he could find, and was currently skimming every romantic comedy there was. All the while eating ice cream, pizza and burgers in his pajamas on the couch all day long.

He would do anything not to think. Because if he started thinking, then he'd have to think about Draco. He'd have to think about that gaping hole in his chest, and the knots in his stomach that prevented him from breathing properly. He should realize that his feelings were about to overwhelm him to the point of drowning. That his constricted throat and watery eyes made him feel as if he were crying all the time, without ever being able to shed a single tear.

So he couldn't afford to think about anything right now.

So he'd watch TV and eat, in the vain hope that by the time he'd have the courage to step outside, he'd have suppressed his feelings so much that he wouldn't suffer. That just thinking about Draco wouldn't make him want to scream bloody murder, or punch a wall.

Sometimes, when he managed to close his eyes for a few hours, he would see the scene again. Sometimes, the professor would apologize. But often, he laughed at him, just like in his Hogwarts days.

That's why he didn't like to sleep. He did everything he could not to think about him, and his brain betrayed him in his sleep.

This was without knowing his friends. Already after the first day, Amanda had come to the door, and had been surprised not to be able to approach, even if only to knock. And she came back every day, with the same result. On the fifth day, she warned Ron and Hermione of the situation.

The three of them found themselves in front of the scarred man's apartment, just trying to knock on the door, but the spells repelled them. The aurora had to admit that, despite her concern, she would have been vexed to be the only one unable to approach Harry.

That weekend, they were once again all in front of the apartment, little Rose sitting on the sidewalk playing quietly.

-What are you standing there for? Looking for new decor?

The three turned as one to see Blaise's dazzling smile.

-What about you? Why are you here?

The former Slytherin waddled slightly to his feet, unsure of how to respond. He didn't want to betray the two men's secret without their agreement. When he slowly raised his eyes, he met Hermione's directly, and she sighed.

-Right, then. Go get him. Harry put up barriers, and at this point, I'm willing to try anything.

Blaise nodded, conjured up a patronus and sent it straight to Hogwarts.

-What's going on here?

-Well Dad... Harry and Draco are in love.

The surprised faces of the adults turned to the little girl, who was still busy with her dolls.

-What are you talking about, Rose?" asked the redhead.

-It's because Uncle Blaise is here, and because of Mum's face.

-She's so fucking smart!

A glare from the parents was enough to silence the company director, who smiled contritely.

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