An Escape

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Thomas sat at a desk in his room with a lightly lit lamp, shining a light on the book he was going through reading. Just like his mother, he had decided to write a journal for himself. The page he was currently at, had a picture of his mom with her group of friends. The picture he had got from Professor McGonagall had barely left his side after she had given it to him. He had a smile on his face as he looked down at the photo. 

He went to the next page, where there were another picture on the page. A picture of him and his other friends -Harry, Hermione and Ron. The 4 of them smiled and laughed together as they took the photo. He had been writing to them almost all summer, except for Harry. His parents didn't really allow him to get letters much. Luckily for Thomas, The Mistress didn't have a choice to let him send letters. And if she had something to say about it, she would have Dumbledore, Hagrid and Professor McGonagall to deal with.

He had been writing to Hermione most of the time. The 2 had really grown a strong bond over the Summer. She had even invited him to stay over sometime as she knew what the orphanage was like. The next page had his first entry, which he started about a week ago. 

"Why on earth are you making an entry at this time of the night?" John had said. Thomas turned to find John on the top bunk of their bunk bed, awake and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Oh, sorry." Thomas apologized as he closed the book. His owl, Mist then squawked loudly from her cage, which sat beside the bunk bed. 

John turned towards the bird, "I'm going to kill that owl." he said.

"Good luck with that." I turned back to the book and shut it before walking over to my suitcase. I opened the bag, which had all my clothes and things I will need for the school year. I looked up at the clock that hung over the door. It was almost time.

Thomas looked down and was about to put his boom away when he saw his mom's necklace. He took the necklace out and put it around his neck. He then put the book inside and shut the suitcase. 

"So when you leavin'?" John asked as he sat up from his bed.

Thomas pov,

"In about... 5 minutes. Should be here any minute." I said as I lifted my suitcase and put it on the table I was just sitting at. I looked up through the large bars that was on the wall that the desk was. I could already see a light in the distance, moving towards him and his smile grew.

"What should be here any minute?"

"My ride." I said as I walked over to Mist's cage and lifted her up. I put her on the desk as well. 

"Wait, how are you leaving? Mistress won't be happy about this."

"What does make her happy, John?" I replied, not caring at all about the Mistress's feelings. 

"Suffering." John replied. I couldn't lie. That he was right on.

I then heard a car horn that began to get louder. I searched under my pillow and took my wand in hand. The memories of this wand. I remember when I basically could not do magic and everytime it would give me a headache. That sort of worn off at this point. With the help of Hermione of course, who was somehow still tutoring me from miles away through her letters.

Suddenly, a bright light peeked through the bars, making John hide under his blanket, "That's your ride, I'm assuming?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yep." I got on the table so my face was directly in front of the bars. "See you, John."

"See ya." He said as he turned over in his bed, "Oh and by the way." He stuck his head up, "Please make your escape plans a bit less loud."

I chuckled, "I'll try." Just then, the light began to turn, revealing... a car!

A turquoise Ford Anglia car. And in the car was Fred and George in the front, driving the car, and Ron who was in the back seat, "Hiya, Tom!" he said.

My smile grew even wider, "When you said you'd come with a ride, I didn't think you meant THIS!" I said.

Fred and George laughed, "You ready to go?" Fred asked.

"When am I not??" I replied. Ron then took out a metal hook and put it around the bars. I took a step back as Ron turned to his brothers, "Good to go!"

The car turned and pulled the bars. This was going to be loud. The bars were then tore the bars straight out of the wall. The bars caused a loud smash as it hit the ground. The car turned it's trunk towards the open hole in the wall. The trunk automatically opened and I began to throw my stuff in. First I threw my suitcases in.

Then the car turned and Ron's door opened. he held his hand out and I handed him Mist's cage. He put it beside him then held his hand out for me, "Come on!" he said. I got up and reached out, about to grab his hand. 

The door to the room slammed open. And in the doorway, was the Mistress in the ugliest pair of pajamas you could ever see. "YOU!" She yelled.

I smiled at her, "Me!" I then grabbed Ron's hand and he pulled me in. The Mistress chased after me and was about to reach for me through the hole when I shut the door to the car. I let out a sigh of relief as the Mistress screamed her lungs out. The car began to turn and I began to laugh, "Thanks for the help, guys." I said, relieved.

"Any time, man." Ron said and fist bumped me. "Now off to Harry's house!" he yelled. 

The car let out a loud rev then sped off into the sky.


Harry was asleep in bed when he heard what sounded like a car engine outside. Waking up and putting on his glasses, he got out of bed and walked to the window. Looking out the window, he saw a strange object moving through the sky. As he looked, the object appeared to be a shooting star, before turning into two beams of light. A turquoise Ford Anglia car flew to Harry's bedroom window, then turned to the right as Harry and Hedwig silently watched. In the Ford Anglia was Ron and Thomas accompanied by Ron's older twins, Fred and George.

Ron and Thomas looking at Harry through the bars on his window, "Hiya, Harry!" Thomas and Ron said in unison.

Harry was surprised to see his friends, "Ron, Fred, George, what are you all doing here?" he questioned.

"Rescuing you, of course." Thomas answered.

"Now, come on. Get your trunk!" Ron told him.

Eventually, Harry had gotten dressed, packed his Hogwarts trunk with some clothes, his books, pajamas, uniforms, and all other necessities, shut it closed, and locked it. Thomas put a hook at the bars on Harry's window, "You'd better stand back." he warned. 

Harry stepped back as Ron turned to the twin in the drivers' seat, "Let's go!" he yelled.

The car tore the bars straight on Harry's window off. Petunia and Vernon wake up from the loud smash caused from the destruction. Harry picked up his trunk and made for the window, where the car's trunk was open for it. Harry puts his trunk in the car as they began to hear the Dudley's voices softly.

Harry picked up Hedwig's cage as the locks to the door began to get unlocked.

"Come on, come on." Thomas said repeatedly in worry.

"Come on, Harry! Hurry up!" Ron told him.

Vernon unlocked Harry's door and opened it as Harry was about to climb out and into the car. "Petunia, he's escaping!" Vernon yelled. He rushed to Harry and grabbed his ankle. Harry screamed as Dudley cheered for his dad.

Ron and Thomas seized Harry's waist, "We've got you, Harry!" Ron yelled.

"Come here!" Vernon yelled.

Harry struggled to get out of Vernon's grip, "Let go of me!" Harry yelled at him.

"Oh no, boy! You and that bloody pigeon aren't going anywhere!" 

"Get off!"

"Drive!" Thomas yelled at the driver."Right." Fred said, before George then repeated, "Right!" The car began to turn and slowly drive off."No! No! No! No! Aaaah!" Vernon fell right out from the window and landed in the garden. Dudley yelled for his dad.The car drove off with all of the passengers feeling victorious, "By the way, Harry." Ron began.
Then Thomas and Ron both yelled in unison, "Happy Birthday!"

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