8.) Rebirth of an Army

Comenzar desde el principio

Third Person POV:

As soon as Minjae surveyed the condition of the camp, he got to work right away. His first action, sweep the camp clean of the sick and diseased. Their presence only spread disease and sapped morale, it was best to have them sent home to be cared for by their families. With the handful of soldiers that were left, Minjae ordered them to move the camp to higher and sturdy ground. Minjae wanted to prove that he was determined to lead by example. Minjae placed himself no higher than his men. He stripped off his armor and dressed in his barest clothes, he worked right alongside the men. Folding tents, bundling wooden stakes, helping others, Minjae was determined to make an impact with his soldiers, proving that despite his royal title he was just like his people.  As the sun sank lower, it marked a new beginning as the soldiers were setting up the new camp on a hill. 

That night, under the velvety blanket of stars, Minjae sat, hunched over his desk. Nothing could be heard except the crickets and the soft wind that was blowing outside. With the stroke of his pen, he scrawled out a completely new schedule. Under his rule, he would have to rule with an iron fist, not be so lax about policies. What he wrote down would be final and everyone including him would have to follow it. There were no ifs ands or buts allowed. 


Discipline: Every soldier will adhere to a strict code of conduct. Disobedience will not be tolerated and punishment will be issued. 

Hygiene: Personal cleanliness and camp sanitation are paramount. Daily inspections will ensure compliance.

Training: Participation in daily drills is mandatory. Excuses will be met with additional duties and or punishment.

Unity: Soldiers will eat, sleep, and train as a unit. The strength of one is the strength of all.

Respect: Officers are to be respected at all times. Insubordination will be met with immediate punishment.

To ensure the soldiers adhere to the new rules, Minjae employs a multifaceted approach:

Visible Leadership: Minjae leads by example, demonstrating the importance of each rule through his own actions. His presence is constant, and his commitment to the rules is unwavering.

Clear Communication: The rules are communicated clearly and repeatedly. They are posted in multiple locations around the camp and discussed at length during assemblies to ensure every soldier understands them.

Strict Enforcement: A system of immediate consequences for rule violations is established. Minor infractions result in extra duties, while serious breaches lead to more severe punishments.

Reward System: Compliance with the rules is rewarded. Soldiers who consistently follow the rules receive privileges, such as additional rest periods or better rations.

Peer Accountability: Soldiers are organized into units that are responsible for each other's adherence to the rules. This fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual accountability.

Regular Inspections: Sometimes surprise inspections are conducted to ensure rules regarding hygiene and maintenance are followed. This keeps soldiers vigilant and the camp orderly.

Feedback Mechanism: A system for soldiers to provide feedback on the rules is implemented, allowing for adjustments that may improve compliance and morale.

Improved Schedule:


05:00 - Reveille

05:30 - Physical Conditioning: Running, calisthenics, and strength training

07:00 - Weapon Drills: Swordsmanship, archery, and spear throwing

08:30 - Breakfast and Rest


10:00 - Tactical Exercises: Formation training and mock skirmishes

12:00 - Lunch and Rest

13:00 - Specialized Training: Scouts, medics, and engineers


15:00 - Combat Scenarios: Simulated battles and strategy sessions

17:00 - Maintenance: Weapon repair and personal equipment care

18:30 - Dinner and Rest


20:00 - Education: Map reading, signal communication, and war history

21:30 - Free Time for Personal Reflection

22:00 - Taps

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