Chapter 24 - A child?

Start from the beginning

Syllua gritted her teeth as she thought about Gaicytel who was the Tenth Corps Commander and the one who oversees the second city. Deon could understand her, seeing as to how he was literally treated like a blessing in there made him want to cry. He doesn't want to sit on a sedan chair at all!

"Haah... I really don't want to meet him."

"Well... we'll have to do so..."

Deon rolled his eyes at Devilania's response. He doesn't care if he has to meet that crazy bastard, he just doesn't want to meet him at all.


Deon noticed something lurking in the bushes and went over there to check. He remembered that there shouldn't be anyone hiding here, so why was there someone here? Grabbing whatever he could hold onto, Deon lifted up whatever was here, or tried to.


'What the fuck-'

Deon backed away immediately after hearing a little girl's voice. He looked back and saw a raven-headed girl with red eyes similar to his, he assumed she was a vampire based on her hair and eye color as well as the small fangs she had.


The girl immediately bit Deon's hand, causing blood to drip from his hand. This alarmed Ben since the necklace lit up once again and rushed over to Deon who was on his knees staring at the girl stoically.

(What a wild cat...)

"Sir Arut?!-"

Deon lifted his free hand up to Ben, stopping him from getting any closer to him. After a few minutes, the girl let go of Deon's hand and started crying. This confused both Deon and Ben, what type of (vampire) kid cries after sucking someone's blood?

"...Ben do you know why she's crying...?" I didn't hit her repeatedly or raise my voice at her why is she crying?!

"No, not at all... But I believe we should get going... Our trip is being delayed right now..."


Deon got up from the ground and went to the carriage with Ben. What he didn't expect was the girl clinging to his leg. He turned back and tried to shake the girl off of his legs, which did not work at all.

In the end, he had to bring her along with him into the carriage.

"This girl is..."

"I don't know, she kept clinging on to me."

Devilania looked at the young vampire who was still clinging on to Deon. This was the first time she had seen a young child outside near the outskirts where many demonic monsters were lurking around.

'Her parents either abandoned her or died and she was the only one alive.'

He looked at the girl who was now sleeping in his lap. Looking at the girl sleeping so comfortably made him want to sleep too, he also wanted to sleep! Yawning, Deon slowly closed his eyes and fell to sleep right away.


"You're finally here, you were the last to arrive my child."

"...I'm not your child."

"Well now you are!"

Deon gave a glare to the God of Death who brushed it off and looked at Cruel who payed no attention to him at all.

Why do his children hate him so much?!

"Anyway... I came to talk to you two about something. It's about you Deon so you should probably listen."

"I kind of don't want to hear it..."

"Well you have to anyways."

The God of Death snapped his fingers and the scenery changed from a pitch black room to a modern office. Deon realized this place as the office the God of Death used frequently.

'Hey... if you're gonna talk about my past life...'

"He already knows."

'He does...? And he's not mad?'

Deon remembered when he tried to talk to Deruth and his family about his transmigration. They first played it off but when they realized he was serious, they screamed curses at him telling him to give back their sons body. He had to lie and say it was just a disguise, he remembered Choi Han's indifferent look while he got yelled at, it was the first time he'd ever seen such a side to them. Things only got worse from there.

"Geez, it's either in the Thames blood or you overthink things too much."

The God of Death flicked Deon's forehead causing the latter to flinch in pain rubbing his forehead.

"Back to the main topic. As you know, your past family is trying to resurrect you or well bring your soul back into your old body. So far they're setting stuff up for the ritual but we already blocked the pathway through both worlds."

The God of Death could see a vein appearing on Cruel's forehead. He knew he chose the right person to be his child's older brother, originally Cruel was supposed to live a happy life with his parents without Deon but if the Cruel there wanted a little brother, why not actually give him one?

He knew it was quite heartless to change the fate of his life by reincarnating Cale there as Deon, but what choice did he have left? In the end it all worked out despite the sufferings, it was also one of the worlds farthest away from Nameless One where the Roan Kingdom resided in.

"When that happens, Deon will immediately fall into a short coma. He might get symptoms like a cold happening but it will be heavier than your normal flu. That's because we lowered the pain he'd feel as much as we can."

"Is it because my soul would in between the two worlds?"

Deon concluded that it'd have something to do with his soul. Since they were trying to bring him back and the gods were trying to keep him here it would probably make his soul go back and forth.

"Precisely, which is why I need you Cruel to immediately get Deon away from those crazy lunatics. Right at that moment, Deon will be more vulnerable than ever and if he dies, it will cause an imbalance and he will automatically go back to his world."

"I was already planning to do so even if you haven't told me."

"Yes, yes of course. I'll send you both back now, make sure to always be careful."


The two siblings replied back in unison before the God of Death snapped his fingers once again.

(Kind of reminds me of a dad telling his kids to be careful at school LMFAO)


So far I'm not sure how to progress since I didn't finish the novel... but I'm planning on making it diverge completely from canon...

A little hint in this is that A LOT of different gods will be getting involved.

Will they be enemies or allies? No comment at all.

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