Chapter 4

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     Emerging from their dwelling, the Fairies squint then rub their eyes as the sun's light peeks over the horizon.

      "Okay, so you guys are finally ready to go then?" Niall asks sarcastically, noticing the Elves and Dwarves have already broken down their camp.

      Turning around, Ian waves his hands in a certain order, both crystalline structures then burst into smoke that rises into the sky and also descends back into the earth simultaneously. Once the Fairies are mounted on their horses, the leaders continue their ride to the Elven mine.

      The incline increases dramatically as the terrain gets rockier. Plant life is sparser and smaller in stature. Niall rocks from the movement of his horse, his eyes close, and he takes in the change in pine scent and crispness of the air. The ground levels out, then his peace is broken by Ian asking, "Sire, what did the Elf King mean by his reason was 'historical?' And why would Elves need to mine, if the Dwarves do all the mining?"

      "I'm not fully sure. I'm guessing we'll find out. To be honest, I've never seen an Elven mine before," Niall yawns at the end of his response.

      Looming as they approach, is a very large wall of limestone and volcanic rock housing the Elven mine in contention. A massive door made from a mix of an elaborate red granite and gray stone obstructs the entrance. Embedded in the stone is a golden creation in the shape of an X, and in the middle of that, a golden disk. Meticulous and beautiful details are not spared on the mine's overall construction. Dismounting their armored steeds, the leaders wander towards the mine entrance, with Forbish in the lead. Rinnal and Alastar discreetly exchange looks, with Alastar's being one of disapproval.

     "My, King Rinnal, this is a mighty pretty door," Niall doesn't hide his sarcasm, as he touches the door, running his hand along the gold trim, admiring the detail. "How do we get in?"

     "Stand back, Sire," the Elf King politely replies.

     As everyone else steps back, giving King Rinnal room as he starts casting a spell using magic words. His face and body contort rhythmically with the words. Most beings conjure spells by speaking. Few beings, like the Fairies, can invoke spells by thought, movements, or pure feelings; but all magic needs emotion to properly cast.

     A wooden vine slowly grows from the ground; snaking its way to the center of the mine door. The tip of the vine inserts itself into a small square opening in the middle of the golden disk. Gradually, blue glowing Elven writing appears. The four golden bars forming the "X" slowly slide into the mountain, followed by rumbling as the four stone slabs slide in afterwards. The dirt, small rocks, and pebbles dance and kick around on the ground from the massive weight of the slabs. A rush of air sucks in when the seal around the door is broken, creating an airflow, and indicating that this is not a new mine. Remaining from the theatrical event is the plain wooden vine, with the golden disk dangling at its tip.

     "Fancy locking system for just a mine," states Forbish with his arms folded.

     "All Elven mines have the same locking system, Master Dwarf," snips Rinnal.

      "Now, sprites...How about we go check out the mine," Niall exasperates and begins to walk in.

     "Sire, WAIT!" shouts Alastar, and just as Niall stops in his tracks a large ball of flame shoots across the mine. "If you hadn't stopped, you would have been turned to ash!"

     "A BOOBY TRAP? REALLY, RINNAL? BOOBY TRAPS!" barks King Niall, catching his breath.

     "Not Elves, Sire, we did not leave these traps!" Alastar defends.

Mythical Book #1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz