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As the morning sun painted the room in a golden hue, Jeff and Barcode remained entwined in their cozy cocoon, reluctant to let go of each other's warmth. But the day's gentle nudges eventually roused Jeff from his slumber.

With sleepy eyes, Jeff blinked away the remnants of sleep, his gaze finding Barcode, who clung to him like a koala bear, prompting a soft smile from Jeff. He brushed a loose strand of hair behind his ear, his eyes speaking volumes about his affection for the man beside him.

"Why are you staring?" Barcode mumbled, a small smile playing on his lips as he kept his eyes shut.

"You're beautiful," Jeff replied, his tone serious, his words hanging in the air, filling the room with a momentary hush.

Barcode's eyes fluttered open, meeting Jeff's with an unspoken intensity that spoke of deep emotions.

In that fleeting exchange, Barcode felt an overwhelming rush of affection, unable to find the words to express it. Love, a silent whisper in his mind, encapsulated his feelings.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Barcode's voice wavered slightly, uncertainty tugging at his thoughts.

Jeff's gaze remained locked with Barcode's, curiosity lingering in the air. But before Barcode could voice his question, a wave of doubt washed over him.

What if his words changed everything between them? What if Jeff's heart belonged elsewhere?

"Forget it, slipped my mind," Barcode muttered, breaking the gaze but still holding onto the moment.

"Are you sure—" Jeff started, but his words were cut short by the sudden ring of Barcode's phone, breaking the tranquil atmosphere.

Barcode reached for his phone, puzzled by the unexpected caller—Ta.

The early hour and Ta's name sparked a whirlwind of thoughts, leaving Barcode to answer the call while standing by the window, the outside world blurred by his swirling emotions.


I observe silently as Barcode reaches for his phone and strides towards the window to take the call. His expression tells me it's his best friend on the line.

Remaining on the bed, I find myself staring at the wall, pondering what might be troubling Barcode.

He's been acting oddly since last night, and his demeanor this morning only adds to my concern.

Did I unintentionally upset him? I turn to look at Barcode, whose visage now reflects a palpable sense of distress as he ends the call.

He turns to face me, his expression growing even more somber. "Hey, Ta called, asking if we wanted to hit the beach," he informs me.

"What did you say?" I inquire. "I said yes, so I guess we should start getting ready," he replies, already making his way to the bathroom.

"Wait, Barcode," I interject, causing him to halt and face me. "Call him back and tell him we're not going. Something's not right." He gives me a puzzled look. "Why—" Before he can finish his sentence, I leap out of bed and snatch his phone from his grasp.

"Jeff, what are you doing?" he protests, attempting to reclaim his phone, but I'm already dialing Ta's number.

{On the other end of the line:}

Ta: Hey, Barcode.

Jeff: Sorry, this isn't Barcode; it's Jeff speaking.

Ta: Oh, um, Jeff. Hi. Is everything okay?

♡•My Demon•♡{Jeffbarcode}Where stories live. Discover now