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The demon gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. "You're a pretty one, but I'm about to ruin you, love," he smirked, his words dripping with malice.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Barcode asked, his voice trembling slightly as he met the demon's intense gaze, which seemed to hunger for him.

Before Barcode could inquire further, the demon lifted him off the ground and set him on his feet. "Listen closely," the demon whispered seductively into Barcode's ear. "I need you to go tell your friends you're heading home because you're feeling unwell. Understand?" The demon's voice took on a more serious tone, punctuated by the pressure of his nails digging into Barcode's waist.

Barcode didn't respond immediately, still trying to comprehend the situation. Who was this individual? Was this truly the demon he had summoned? A deep growl behind him, accompanied by the sensation of nails digging into his waist, urged him to act quickly.

Taking a deep breath, Barcode made his way to the kitchen where his friends were gathered. As he entered, everyone was engrossed in eating until his presence drew their attention.

"Hey," he said, his voice trembling, feeling a cold hand slipping under his shirt to caress his abs. "Don't say a word," the demon whispered in his ear, his friends turned to him. "Are you okay, Barcode?" Ta asked, scanning him from head to toe along with the others.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but I think I should head home. I'm not feeling well," Barcode replied, mustering a fake smile. Their expressions softened as they agreed to his departure.

"Take care, Barcode! Your health comes first," Ta said with a smile and a thumbs-up. "Okay, thanks, everyone. Bye," Barcode waved as he left, heading for the door.

Once outside, he hailed an Uber and took a moment to breathe. "You did well, my dear. That deserves a reward, don't you think?" the demon spoke again, his touch lingering on Barcode's stomach.

Uncertain of how to respond, Barcode remained silent, which seemed to anger the demon. Just as Barcode's ride arrived, he managed to escape the demon's grasp and entered the vehicle.

Seated in the back, Barcode tried to ignore the demon's piercing glare. Suddenly, he found himself straddling the demon's lap, feeling his cold hands sliding under his shirt, teasing his nipples.

As the demon's touch sent shivers down his spine, Barcode struggled to stifle any sounds of pleasure, gripping the car seat tightly. "Mmm," he let out inadvertently, quickly covering his mouth in embarrassment, his cheeks flushing red.

"Sir, are you alright?" the driver asked, concern evident in his voice through the rearview mirror. "I'm fine, just some back pain," Barcode replied, sitting up and avoiding eye contact, aware of the demon's disapproving gaze lingering.


After what felt like ages, my Uber finally pulled up outside my apartment building.

Eager to get inside, I thanked the driver and practically skipped to the entrance, feeling a strange sensation of being watched but shrugging it off.

Stepping into my apartment, I let out a sigh of relief, only to be suddenly spun around and pressed against the wall. Startled, I found myself face to face with a demon, his eyes gleaming with mischief rather than malice.

"Leaving so soon?" he purred, a smirk playing on his lips as he ran a finger along my jawline. "You've got no idea what you've stumbled into, sweetheart."

♡•My Demon•♡{Jeffbarcode}Where stories live. Discover now