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I woke up abruptly with the blaring of my alarm, forcing me to rise and silence its persistent cries. Glancing at the clock, I groaned inwardly as it read 5:00 AM - a stark reminder that I had little time to prepare for the party.

With a sense of urgency, I made my way to the closet, selecting an outfit and laying it out meticulously on the bed before retreating to the bathroom for a quick shower and teeth-brushing session.

Emerging from the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed, I paused to admire my reflection in the mirror, ensuring I was looking good for the party. However, my moment of vanity was abruptly interrupted by a knock at the door.

Curious, I made my way to answer it, greeted by the sight of Fluke, his enthusiasm palpable as he stood before me with a bag in hand and a mischievous grin adorning his face.
"Come on, let's kick things up a notch!" Fluke exclaimed, seizing my wrist and pulling me into the apartment without a moment's hesitation.

Without a word, I followed his lead, allowing him to lead me to the bedro, m where he promptly pushed me onto the bed.

"What's the plan?" I finally asked, breaking the silence. "I'm going to work my magic with some makeup - your outfit needs a little extra flair!" Fluke declared, depositing the bag next to me before grabbing his makeup from inside "Just sit tight unless you want a little smack," he added playfully, flashing a grin before commencing his artistic endeavor upon my face.

After enduring twenty minutes of playful scolding and gentle smacks for my fidgeting, Fluke finally stepped back to admire his handiwork. "Wow, I think I've outdone myself this time," he remarked with wide-eyed admiration. "Could you pass me a mirror?" I requested, eager to see the transformation for myself. With a flourish, Fluke obliged, presenting me with a reflection that exceeded my expectations.

Feeling undeniably fabulous, I expressed my gratitude to Fluke, who was practically bouncing with excitement over his masterpiece.

With a quick glance at the time - 5:36 AM - I realized it was time to make our exit. "Fluke, we need to get going," I reminded him, snapping him out of his happiness.

"Seriously? Then let's not waste another minute - let's go!" Fluke exclaimed, leaping into action as we gathered our belongings and made our way out of the apartment. With Fluke driving, we embarked on our journey to the party, excitement bubbling as we anticipated the night ahead.



After 15 minutes, Barcode and Fluke arrived at a magnificent house that resembled a mansion, undoubtedly owned by Ta. Exiting Fluke's car, they made their way to the imposing door and rang the doorbell.

"Hey Fluke and Barcode, come in!" Ta greeted warmly as he swung the door open. "Thanks," Fluke and Barcode chimed simultaneously. "The drinks and food are in the kitchen. You can help yourselves, but we're about to start a game. Wanna join?" Ta invited.

"Well, I'm up for a game! Count me in!" Fluke exclaimed eagerly. Ta turned to Barcode, asking, "What about you, Barcode?"

"Yeah, sure, but what game?" Barcode inquired.

"We're all going to play 'Dare or Drink.' It's like truth or dare, but there's no truth, and if you fail a dare, you have to take five shots," Ta explained.

"Sure, I'll give it a shot, I guess," Barcode agreed.

"Great! Follow me!" Ta led them happily into the living room, where everyone else was gathered, sitting in a circle on the floor.

"Now that everyone's here, let's get started!" Top announced, clapping his hands to draw everyone's attention. And with that, the game commenced.


The game unfolded for twenty minutes, and people began to loosen up, some getting tipsy. Unlike them, I had taken a few shots but was far from losing my wits.

My best friend Fluke, on the other hand, seemed perilously close to reaching his limit, threatening to vomit at any moment. I was pulled from my thoughts when Ta called my name.

"Barcode!" Ta exclaimed, grabbing my attention. "I dare you to summon a demon!" He yelled, preparing my shots, eliciting excited murmurs from the group.

"Ooooh!" Everyone chorused in anticipation. "Fine, I'll do it. But how?" I asked, perplexed.

"Here," Ta handed me a book out of nowhere. "What am I supposed to do with this?" I questioned, growing increasingly baffled.

"You have to open the book and say something from inside it, then wait for three seconds," Ta explained calmly. "This sounds stupid. I have no hope it'll work," I admitted.

"We won't know until you try," Ta reasoned.

Opening the book, I found the contents in a language I couldn't comprehend, presumably Greek.

Selecting a line that caught my eye, I took a deep breath and uttered it aloud. "Θα ήθελα να καλέσω έναν υπερπροστατευτικό δαίμονα του σεξ," I said, closing the book and waiting with closed eyes.

After three seconds, I opened my eyes, only to find myself annoyed. "See, I told you it wouldn't wo-" I began, interrupted by the sensation of large hands wrapping around my waist and a deep, husky voice whispering seductively in my ear, "Don't yell, sweetheart..."

"Barcode, you good?" Everyone inquired, snapping me out of my trance. "Yeah, I'm fine. Anyways, as I was saying, it didn't work, and I think we should grab some food," I suggested.

"Yeah, you're right. It's gotten boring now. Come on, guys," Ta agreed, leading everyone to the kitchen. As they departed, I remained seated, feeling a presence lingering behind me.

"You don't know what you summoned, do you? Or am I mistaken, sweetheart?" The demon whispered in my ear. Before I could react, I was forcefully pulled back down.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You're not going anywhere. You got yourself into this mess," the demon hissed angrily. I turned to see a handsome figure with piercing red eyes staring at me.

The demon gripped my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze. "You're a pretty one, but I'm about to ruin you, love," he smirked, his words dripping with malice.


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