[The Taming of the Shrew] // ♥️ Tranio x Lucentio♥️// Scene 1

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-- Forbidden love between a servant and his liege, whose heart he may never have.

Scene I

Enter in Lucentio and his man Tranio into the bedroom

Lucentio: Oh, how fair thee maiden be, – the one sent from the skies above, my Bianca! Have your eyes set gaze upon her beauty, Tranio? How a fellow such as I to woo her?

Tranio: Absurdity, however fair her beauty may be yours trumps even the most handsome of maidens.

Lucentio: Indubitably. Ah, how your speech soothes my devilish mind—whispers, Tranio. Alas, if were it for your presence taking up her's this demon of mine shall be tamed...

A pause. Lucentio's eyes close in deep thought before flying back open.

Lucentio: Eurika! You shall take her place, not as the loyal servant, but as thee fair maiden. Now, you no longer answer to 'Tranio'— a dress and feminine demeanor you shall don'.

Tranio: Cripes, oh Father, my master has gone mad!

Lucentio: No such thing my dear friend! Don' a beautiful dress and a more beautiful maiden is born. If I am to woo thy woman, then a woman I need to practice with.

Tranio: I am to be thy woman?

Lucentio: Clever as always,— what better way to practice my charm than on another? Alas, no woman would be mad enough to follow, but you, Tranio...

Tranio: To the end of the world I would follow

Lucentio: ...More natural I feel in the presence of thee,— Tranio, my most trusted servant, my one and only... I charm you as a maiden, so when the opportunity arrives to charm my Bianca, confidence I shall exume

Tranio: I see, my Lucentio

Lucentio: If my nerves never cease, I shall only imagine your face on hers, my hands on your waist. I imagine I warm myself in thine bed.

Tranio: Methinks thou simply desire lay gaze upon thine subserviant in a dress

Lucentio: You deny me, then?

Tranio: Nay, I oblige,- shall I also press kisses on thine neck?

Lucentio: If only to enhance the performance!

Tranio: But of course! I shall act as submissive and loving as thine beloved rose.

Tranio Exits

Lucentio: Ah.. why does this treacherous heart of mine betray me so? Why such insisting torture continue to hound me in the company of my one and only? Ah, it shall appear that my eyes tell me he is Tranio,— but my mind is already so clouded, to where it tells my he is but the dainty female lover of mine: Bianca!

Enter Tranio in costume

Lucentio: By..—- by the Lord-! Tranio, I can not believe what my eyes behold in front of me. Oh dear Tranio, your beauty betrays the line between man and woman. My mind you've completely tricked, occupied only by those alluring eyes and temptful lips

Tranio: Shall this appease my master then?

Lucentio: It shall! It appears my genius exudes me once again

Tranio: ...

Lucentio: Perhaps thou should don this attire in frequency.

Tranio: It appears your genius eludes you, Master

Lucentio: Why? Are you ashamed of this? Oh, how my mistress wounds me! Like a siren thou stand there, tearing my heart from its captivity in the chest, only to bring your boot down, shattering. My mistress is too cruel.

Tranio: Thou shall be wounded more from this than me. For shame.

Lucentio: For shame indeed! Such passion shan't be felt rather than feared— but I fear you not. Kiss me, cruel mistress of mine!

Tranio: Alas, go on.


Lucentio: Is that hesitance in your quaking?

Tranio: Certainly not, I am more than assured

Lucentio: Why do you shake? Are you unsure of yourself?

Tranio: Allow me to prove you wrong

Lucentio: Please do

Tranio kisses Lucentio

Lucentio: Oh? How scandalous, and I am to be ashamed. Your boldness has my soldier shaking in his tent. You kiss like Heaven, yet taste like the temptress from Hell. Thou art' my evilest sin.

Tranio: Thou flatter me so— widows and wives alike fall to their knees at thee heel

Lucentio: Yet none elude all sense of danger, and none ignite such a burning passion in my chest

Lucentio kisses Tranio

Lucentio: Dearest mistress of mine, such a sinful indulgence are your clever lips. Thine words are like wine to the mind,— I confess I cannot contain such thoughts longer,— I love you!

Tranio: Oh, such thoughts shan't be uttered

Lucentio: But I utter nothing but the divine truth of the Heavenly Father, speaking on this angel of his he has blessed me with. I love you— oh how I love you, and I shall scream it again until my throat goes sore,— I love you!

Tranio: I beg, thou shan't say you love me

Lucentio: This is no absurdity, my dear love, these are the true feelings this treacherous heart of mine declare. Thou cannot change that.

Tranio: I cannot, thou jest, thou must be. I am not your Mistress Bianca

Lucentio: You doubt your disguise? Thou paraded as me, yet thou cannot don the skin of a fair maiden? I have no doubt, dearest Tranio, that only thou may help me in this endeavor for my love. I beg, assist me, cruel mistress of mine, I shall have no one else.

Although shall my maiden truly wish it, I shall cease to attend her. Perhaps Biondello may lend his excellence a helping hand

Tranio: He may not,-- thou shan't cease my attendance. All the pleasure in the world to serve my lord in his ways, tis' all I would desire

Lucentio: Oh, Tranio, how thou flatter. Shall we continue?

Tranio: I concur, we shall

Lucentio kisses his Mistress


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