We hung up the phone when our flight was getting ready to board. The plane ride was smooth as the girls slept for most of the flight but I could tell they were getting extremely cranky once we walked into the airport in Arizona. Jovie grumbled as we walked hand in hand and June was quiet as she sensed her sister's uneasy temperament.

We sat down at a small area in the airport so I could get them something to eat, reminding them that we would be going to dad's game and meeting grandma and grandpa. The twins perked up a bit at that but I could tell they would be exhausted by the end of the day.

Once we got to the arena, I found Steph who was sitting next to us and noticed the seats behind us still empty, his parents and sisters must not have arrived yet.

I walked down the aisle to our seats and got us settled.

"My goodness someone looks sleepy" Steph joked in a sweet voice to Jovie and June.

The two shyly smiled as I could tell they didn't have the energy to be goofy right now.

Once the players began skating out, the girls walked down to the glass once again to see Auston. I knew the media would get more suspicious now, having seen Auston interact with them before and now that he was in his hometown he would have a lot more attention on him.

We weren't far from the glass so I sat back and opted for keeping an eye on them as I made small talk with Steph. Auston had skated over to goof around with the twins as I continued talking to Steph about how the girls were and how work was going for her. Too distracted by my conversation with Steph and Auston and Mitch playing with the girls, I hadn't noticed the presence behind us until I heard a voice.

"Chantelle?" a female voice called.

I turned around to see Auston's family, his mom with a growing smile on her face.

"Hi Ema, it's been so long" I said enthusiastically, opening my arms for a hug.

"Let me get a look at you" She said sweetly, leaning back enough to look over my features.

Brian also moved in for a hug, asking how I was doing before taking a seat. I hugged both his sisters as I noticed Ema now looking past me.

Jovie and June were playing some form of rock paper scissor through the glass with Auston (they just like doing the actions I don't even think they know how to play).

"Is that?" Ema asked quietly, light tears pooling in her eyes.

I gave her a soft smile as I called the girls back up, Auston noticing their lack of attention and looking up at me with a goofy smile, waving through the glass. I giggled as I waved back, helping the girls back up to their seats.

"Jo and Junie, this is your grandma and grandpa, these are daddy's parents. And these are your aunts, daddy's big and little sisters" I introduced.

Jovie waved with a big smile on her face, June shyly waving in suit of her sister. Ema reached forward to grab their hands, telling them how beautiful they are. I could tell that June instantly took a liking to Ema, constantly stealing glances at her or just blatantly staring at her face.

"She's pretty" June whispered, leaning into my neck so only I would hear her.

I smiled at her sweetness as I brushed her hair out of her face, leaning in closer to her.

"Do you want to go sit with grandma" I whispered as I leaned into June.

She shrugged her shoulders and shyly looked at her feet.

"I think she would really like to sit with you" I encouraged.

She looked up at me with a smile as she slowly stood up, climbing onto her seat backwards and looking at Ema. She shyly asked to sit with her as Brian lifted her over the seat, placing her in Ema's lap as the two began talking about each other.

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