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I woke up to the feeling of a weight on my back. I tried to continue pretending I was asleep, hoping the twins would entertain each other for a bit so I could sleep in more considering it was the weekend. That thought didn't last long when I felt a shadow cloud over my closed eyes.

"Ma it's pansake day wake up" Jovie whispers in my face.

I grimace at her morning breath and crack an eye open to see her big toothy grin and a sleepy June rubbing her eyes silently next to her. The two had wild bedhead, their curls looking matted to their head and the ends sticking out in all directions, something they inherited from their dad. I felt myself giggle slightly at the comparison of the current state of their hair with Auston's sweaty mess after the hockey game yesterday.

On Sundays we had a tradition of making pancakes together, we're still working on her pronunciation but she was close enough.

I took the girls to the bathroom to wash up first, helping them rub the warm water over their faces, brushing their teeth, and washing their hands, giggling as we sang happy birthday to ensure we had been washing them for long enough. I sprayed their hair with a spray bottle to brush their light curls out, allowing their hair to dry nicer. After finishing up, we headed downstairs to make the pancakes.

"okay Juniebug, you can mix but just be careful not to spill" I said as I watched her slowly mix the batter with the whisk, her tongue poked out in concentration as her eyebrows knit together, taking the task I gave her very seriously as Jovie would peek over her shoulder to make sure nothing was spilling. The sound of the front door opening pulled my attention away from the twins.

My dad walked into the kitchen as the girls excitedly ran to give him a hug, the half mixed batter long forgotten.

I never had friends to begin with when I first moved to Toronto to start a new life for my girls. It was increasingly difficult to socialize once they were born because I was busy at all hours of the day. Currently, my dad was really my only friend. My mom left when I was young so it had always just been me and my dad.

While the girls were eating breakfast, I stayed in the kitchen to explain to him what happened at the game last night.

"So you're saying their dad is... Auston Matthews? The NHL player? And didn't think that was maybe important to tell your dad?"

"Yea let me just air out Auston Matthew's dirty laundry to the world. He hooked up with a girl and got her pregnant everyone!" I joked.

"Hey i'm serious" he giggled. "Well what happens now? Did he want to see you again? I know he's famous and all but I can still beat him up" he said more seriously.

I laughed as I rolled my eyes at my dad's antics, "I honestly have no idea. I know he's curious, i mean, why wouldn't he be. He texted me earlier to ask if we can meet today so I was wondering if you could watch the girls? It would be like 3 hours tops." I said hopefully.

"Of course I can. This is a really big moment for you Chan, take your time to figure things out, and remember that i'm always here if you need anything"

I texted Auston to let him know that I was still good for today and that we could meet wherever when he was ready. After receiving a response, I got myself ready and collected my belongings to leave the apartment. I gave my dad a hug and a kiss and gave both the twins a kiss on the forehead, heading out the door.

Auston and I decided to meet at a small restaurant that keeps a back room open for Leafs players as it was a common spot for them to eat and take their significant others to. He pulled out my chair for me to sit down and sat down across from me.

"So I guess I don't really need to ask how it happened" he joked, lightening the mood.

"Oh i'm sure we both remember" I joked back.

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