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I had just finished packing a carry on bag for the twins when my phone rang, the screen lighting up with Auston's name as I hit the answer button.

"Hey, so we're landing around the same time you guys are but we have to head right to the rink so I won't get to see you guys until after the game"

"Yea no worries, you know where we'll be so just give the girls a wave, i'm sure they won't be hard to find"

"I believe it, my parents will be sitting behind you. Are you one hundred percent sure you're comfortable with this?"

"Aus, I promise it's okay. They're their grandparents and I want the girls to be surrounded with family. Text me when you land yea?"

" 'Course, tell the girls I love em"

"I will"

After hanging up I zipped up the bag and set it down at the doorway.

The Maple Leafs were starting a road series in Arizona, his parents attending the game to watch them and he had invited me and the girls to come so they could meet his parents and watch him play.

Of course I was nervous to see his parents again, I had always liked them and I assumed they liked me but I knew they probably saw me different now that I was the mother of their grandchildren that they didn't know existed for three years.

The twins were napping in bed as I knew the airport would be tiring for them so I walked into the room to get them up.

I rubbed their backs slowly and voiced a quiet "let's get up."

The girls stirred and rubbed their eyes, tired looks gracing both their faces. I got them up to brush their teeth and hair, changing Jovie into a pair of leggings and an oversized sweatshirt while June wore leggings and Auston's ridiculously large leafs shirt that she refused to take off. I knew when to pick my battles so I let her keep the shirt dress on and just stuck her jacket over it.

The ride to the airport was quiet as the girls were still tired, by the time we got there they had finally begun waking up more.

It was difficult getting them through security and customs with how curious and excited they were having never been in an airport before. I explained to them before we left that we had to be serious until mommy says we can be silly again so besides the numerous questions and pointing fingers, they behaved well through everything.

Auston was texting me occasionally while we waited for our flight as the girls would grab and stare at the screen trying to get me to tell him something they want him to know. I asked him to facetime us when he was available so the girls would calm down.

"Hi daddy" the twins said in unison.

"Hi angels, are you excited to go on a plane?"

"Yea we're going to Messican!" Jovie said excitedly.

Auston laughed as I could tell he had no idea what she was saying.

"Jovie, it's Mexico sweetheart. And when I said we were going to daddy's first home, I meant Arizona. He wasn't born in Mexico"

The twins giggled at her mistake as Auston was dying of laughter on the other end. I could hear a couple of his teammates also giggling in the back. Mitch came into the frame as he was looking for something behind Auston.

"Uncle Mitchie, auntie Steph coming?" June asked sweetly.

He cracked a wide smile as he leaned in to the camera, "She is coming! We'll all hang out while we're here" he said enthusiastically.

The girls continued to babble on to Auston as he would nod his head and throw in "mhm's" every now and then, his teammates continuing to giggle at their assistant captain acting so sweet.

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