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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Your POV . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .

It had been a couple of weeks since Auston's game and I was confident that the twins had developed a comfortable relationship with him. Much to his disappointment, only Jovie had began calling him dad, a moment where she was laughing so hard while he tickled her she hadn't even noticed herself say "daddy stop!" through giggles, Auston immediately noticed but didn't point it out as to not make a big deal out of it so it would feel more natural to the girls, but I knew it was a moment he replayed in his head over and over.

I told him that June had always been more shy so she'll do it when she's ready but I could tell he was getting impatient because he enjoyed hearing it from Jovie so much.

Auston stopped by this morning to see the girls before his practice, sitting with them at the table as they ate breakfast.

"Hey goof, eat your breakfast instead of playing with it" Auston joked to Jovie who was licking the peanut butter off her toast.

The twins laughed before June started to lick her peanut butter too, looking for Auston's attention.

He giggled at their antics before playing along, "What am I gonna do with you two. Chan, our daughters are gonna turn into peanut butter if they keep licking all of it"

The twins continued to laugh louder as I couldn't help but laugh myself, "Then I guess we'll just have to raise our little peanut butter babies instead of Jovie and Junie."

The girls continued to giggle until their laughter slowly died down as they began eating their toast and the twins fell into a conversation about the episode of my little ponies they had recently watched. I continued to wash the dishes before Auston came up behind me.

"So I've been meaning to ask you, there's like this Leafs gala thing, like a family thing. It's just like a party and there's like food. I was wondering if you and the girls would come?" He asked nervously.

I stopped washing the dishes and looked up at him in shock. I know the gala was a pretty big deal for the leafs, a lot of representatives would be there, important people to the club, and a lot of media. I was happy he considered to ask.

"I mean you don't have to, it's like kind of stupid anyways and I really only go for the food, I just thought that-" I cut him off before he could continue rambling,

"Auston, the girls would love to go" I said through a giggle.

"Just the girls?" he asked looking disappointed.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but i'm not really built for fancy parties, I don't even think I own a dress. I have mom clothes Aus. I can't go to an expensive big leafs party in mom clothes" I said matter-of-factly.

"Don't worry about that. I'll let the organizer know that the three of you are coming" he said with a large grin. I rolled my eyes as I accepted defeat and internally prayed that something suitable for the dinner would magically appear in my closet.

I still had a couple days to prepare so I wondered if I could ask Stephanie for some help on what to wear.

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It was the day of the dinner and I had nothing to wear.

I frantically searched my closet but came up with nothing. To ease my nerves, I walked into the bathroom to see the girls brushing their hair. The two were giggling to each other as they were getting "pretty" for "daddy's party" and were excited to attend such a big event. They looked so grown up getting ready that I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at how fast they were growing up.

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