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. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ Auston's POV . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .

After a long night of little feet in my abdomen, I woke up to a weight on top of me. My eyes fluttered open to reveal June, lying on my stomach with her head resting on my chest, her tiny hands playing with the chain around my neck.

"Morning baby" I said quietly, noticing Jovie and Chantelle were still asleep next to us.

"Morning" she said sleepily.

I was still a little disappointed that she wouldn't call me dad but I knew I couldn't take it to heart. It wasn't even a word I thought I would crave so much, but hearing it come from Jovie, watching my daughters become apart of my life, all I wanted more than anything now was to be known as their dad. I knew It was more important for me to wait until she was ready for that title.

I ran my hand through her hair as she closed her eyes and yawned. Jovie began to stir next to me, wiggling out of Chantelle's hold and rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Hi daddy" she said groggily.

I cracked a smile and ran my hand through her hair too, "Morning angel."

"Why don't we let mommy sleep in today and we'll go eat breakfast yea?"

The twins nodded sleepily as we got up and I helped them wash their faces in the guest bathroom. we brushed our teeth as I sat the girls on the countertop, helping them brush to make sure they wouldn't get cavities. June giggled as she smiled wide to show me her teeth, the toothpaste running down her chin and dripping onto my foot.

"Aw gross I have Junie spit on me" I said dramatically as the twins giggled.

Once we cleaned ourselves up, the twins walked into the living room, each in one of my t-shirts that practically touched their ankles as we hadn't packed pyjamas for them and had to improvise with what was in my car. I didn't care, it was adorable to see my fitted shirts swallow them as their little feet padded around to the couch.

June sped up when she saw Steph in the living room and curled up next to her on the couch, "morning auntie Steph" she said sweetly, Jovie approaching to cuddle into Steph too.

I headed into the kitchen where I heard Mitch making coffee.

He knew how desperate I was for June to call me dad and could see that the two of them already being called "aunt" and "uncle" upset me. I wanted her to warm up to me that fast and it made me worry sometimes that maybe she just didn't consider me as a dad.

"Don't worry bud, she'll get there, it's different for us, dad is a really big label" He said reassuringly.

"I know you're right, I would never rush it I just can't help the disappointment"

"You know she loves you, she's just more shy than Jo so she'll take a little longer to come around"

I smiled at him as he always knew what to say. Despite his goofy demeanour, he had always been the person I could talk to when I was having problems.

Mitch and I continued talking as we made breakfast for everyone, Steph playing with the twins in the living room. Just as we were finishing up, I heard Chantelle stumble down the stairs, a look of panic on her soft face.

"Hey Aus, i'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep in, I hope the girls didn't wake you" She said apologetically.

Despite having worked on coparenting with her, I could tell she was still nervous about shifting parental responsibilities on me and I couldn't blame her. She's been doing this alone for three years and has never been used to anyone taking care of the twins. I learned very quickly not to take her hesitance negatively, but to reassure her that I was also here to help.

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