Chapter 3 : Team Assembled

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A few days after the tournament was proposed, and the rules were made, Jack, Vegeta and Goku began to recruit Last team members.. Kyllian and William.

Jackarot: Considering You Me and Father have entered this tournament Kakarot. We only need two more.

Goku: So thats why we're getting your Friends

Jackarot: Exactly, i've known them since I was little, and I know that they are really good at fighting, I have my confidence, they'll do really good in this tournament!

Vegeta: I don't see any other way, and don't underestimate yourself boy, remember when you fought Buu!

Jackarot: Yeah, but since then I have been keeping my training up to date. we have no other options. let's go find Kyllian and William.

The Three flew off toward Wiliams's energy, the closer they got, the more they sensed it. After a few more minutes, the two reached William, he was training with Kyllian.

Goku: Hello Guys!

Kyllian: It's Jack! Vegeta! And Goku!

They land and Jack explains the situation

Kyllian: A tournament with the Sixth Universe?

Jackarot: Yeah! We want you two to be our fourth and fifth fighters, think you can join guys!

Kyllian: You really got us in a pickle Jack.. Fine... I'm in!

William: I don't know, I mean what if I go ape and shit and just start tearing my opponent up if I lose control, I'll get disqualified not to mention I might hurt others, I mean that's why I have this mask on!

Jackarot: It's ok, even so I think they'll be a way to calm you down if things do go wrong.

William sighed, looking down at the rocks below, thinking of letting his only friends down... he looked up with confidence.

William: Fine. I'm in

Jackarot smiled

Jackarot: Thank you Guys

William: Yeah don't mention it.

Vegeta: Great That's the whole team! Now let's train up! We got Some time until the tournament.

Goku: Yeah let's head to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Jackarot: let's pay a visit to my mum first!

Goku nodded and the Three flew off.

Planet Beerus

Beerus was was waiting for the Ramen to cool down after he put hot water in it.

Beerus: Come on almost there!

The timer was now finished

Beerus: Yea final- OUH OUH OUH OW OW OW HOT HOT HOT!!

Beerus lifted the Ramen bowl but it burned his hands a little. He opens up the ramen bowl and he sniffs it.

Beerus: I love that smell, bottoms up

Beerus was about to eat, but whis stopped him

Whis: not so fast my Lord, you haven't even said thanks yet, I thought I'd touch you better.

Beerus: how was going to, thank you for the meal you happy

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