Chapter 2 : Planning Ahead

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Everyone had made a deal on what will occur in the competition, and now they discuss where to arrange the contest.

Champa: now then we just have to decide where to hold this competition, oh I know the perfect place, why do we do it on the planet with no name, the one that floating in neutral space that way none of us will have home team advantage.

Vados: But Lord Champa, that planet has a tiny sun nearby to shed any warmth or light, it's a rock with little to offer not even an atmosphere is quite desolate.

Champa thinks

Beerus: well, this was your idea Champa, so you better figured out how to make it all work.

Champa: Trust me I will.. hey, as long as I'm in Planning mode, do you want me to draw up the competition rules to it shouldn't be too hard.

Goku then hops up

Goku: I know let's make it like the world martial arts tournament?!

Beerus: and what might that entail Sayian?!

Goku: you lose if you surrender, or if you step outside the ring, and theirs no killing or weapons allowed.

Champa was amused and confused at the same time

Jackarot: you can't push your natural power by cheating, and I think there should be a written test for anyone who wants to enter.

Vegeta: agreed, we don't need some mindless monster on either side, you need a brain big enough to understand the rules, like my son here.

Jackarot smiled

Beerus: yes, that all sounds reasonable to me, Champa?!

Goku: yeah, can we do that your Lordship?!

Champa stays silent but then accepts

Champa: oh, alright fine, so the game shall begin at 7 o'clock sharp one week from today by eight solar calendar ok.

Vados and Champa leave to head back

Whis: by my calculations, that's calculated in five Earth days.


Beerus: oh, Champa, you wanted this contest, so don't back out on me!

Champa: don't be absurd, you just make sure you keep your word Beerus.

Beerus: guess that goes double for you.

Champa: pff oh and by the way, what was your name again brown haired Sayian?

Jackarot: Jackarot, Lord Champa Sir

Champa smiles

Champa: out of everyone in this room, I hate you the least.

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