"It is going well. Harwin and I chose to call it DreamFyre Tower. The base has been done if we keep going at this pace we should be able to finish it before Jace is 5 name days! We have also been working on a dragonglass greenhouse. We had to import soil from Essos so that we could grow our own crops and feed our people!" Rhaenyra informed her making Rhaella nod. "With the help of Laena and Daemon, we are trading which has benefits us and our people!"

That night they had gathered in the dining room where Rhaella had informed them of the accident from two nights ago making everyone gasp and curse out that snow girl. "Let us not worry about such thing, she is gone and can no longer hurt me or anyone!" Rhaella spoke as she ate her food. "Let us thank the old gods, You are lucky Ella that dagger cut you any deeper I fear we would be the ones on our way to your funeral!" Lyonel spoke as he shook his head.

The night ended late as everyone left to their own chambers, Rhaella and Alyssa making their way to their own. Rhaella smiled as her daughter slept peacefully in the bed the same could not be said about her as she tossed and turned in her bed for most of the night. Only gave up a few hours later when she stood and left the room and made her way to the kitchen where she poured herself some wine. "Couldn't sleep?" The voice of her sister came making Rhaella nod as Rhaenyra sat down in one of the chairs grabbing her sister's hand.

"Since we arrived I have dreamt of mother..." Her words echo in Rhaella's mind. How long had said been since she last thought or dreamt of her own mother? "It is always the same dream... I could have been no older than 7 and you 5. Father and she danced in his bed chambers as we laughed at them from their bed. Mother held us that night and father did too-" Rhaenyra sobbed into her sister's stomach as Rhaella held her her own tears rolling down her cheeks. They had stayed like that for hours it seemed only going back to their own chambers when the sun began to rise.

Harwin had invited Rhaella and Alyssa to go and hunt with him something that Rhaella had agreed with as she changed into leather pants and doing the same for her Alyssa who smiled the whole ride to the woods. When they arrived they noticed two more horses waiting for them the sigil of house Blackwood on one of the horses making Rhaella look at Harwin who smiled at her.

"House BlackWood came to speak of some trouble they have been having!" Harwin informed her making her nod as she dismounted the horse before helping Alyssa down the girl of three quickly to look around. "Just like home!" Alyssa spoke as Rhaella nodded. The three of them made their way to the others as the head of house Blackwoods bowed to Rhaella and Alyssa. "Princess!" The man spoke as a little boy no older than 5 popped his head from behind his father. "My eldest boy. Benjicot!" Rhaella looked at the boy he should be 10 or 13? By now.

"A pleasure to meet the both of you!" Rhaella smiled as both of them kissed her hand. "This is Alyssa my eldest and my husband's heir!" Rhaella introduced her daughter. "Alyssa?" Rhaella spoke as the girl's eyes remained on the older boy who looked at her. "Hello, I am Alyssa!" The girl smiled as she gave her hand to Benjicot the boy taking it and kissing it. "Pleasure to meet you, Princess Alyssa!" Samwell smiled making Alyssa look at him. "It is simply Lady Alyssa!" Rhaella spoke making the man nod.

"Are you good with a bow Princess!?" Samwell asked, "I am more comfortable with a sword but I am not bad with a bow and arrow!" Rhaella spoke. "She is bad, almost shot me in the head last time she held a bow!" Harwin laughed making Rhaella glare at the older boy. "Sush, you dimwit!" Rhaella hissed. As the adults fought one another Alyssa and Benjicot spoke with one another. "Do you have a dragon?" The boy asked making Alyssa nod as she showed him her dragon toy that her grandsire had gifted her. "Yes, her name is WildFyre... But she is too small for me to fly! I also have a dire wolf named Eclipses!" Alyssa smiled as she pulled her other toy out.

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