~CHAPTER 26 [finale part 1]~

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Their parents were against it as it was forbidden. Though they didn't understand as they didn't know what element each other held. So one day they escaped and never returned to their realms again. They had created their own kingdom and had two daughters. But when they left their realms they were cursed.

Back to the story.

With Iris :

"Now where is Shadow??" Thought Iris.

Then Shadow appeared but Iris wasn't aware of what Shadow what up to..

"You called?" Said Shadow.

"I was about to but anyway did you get what I asked for??" She asked.

"Oh right here you go " added Shadow handing her a white and black rose from the shadow realm.

"You can go now..." Stated Iris.

"Is that really all you wanted ??" Questioned Shadow.

"Yes now go" she replied.

Back with the others:

"Find anything??" Asked Heli

"Not really.." responded Shadow. "Hows the wall??" (What?? Loll).

"Uhm anyways since we have all the necklaces , what do we do now??" Asked Serenity.

"Like I said , the necklaces will only help us right now since we have less power but I think I know how to get back all our power ..." Added Heli.

"How??" Asked Alora.

"If the power Annabelle used was strong enough to put us in a time loop we could use that but it could be dangerous..." Replied Heli.

"But she's dead.... However I think I saw her wearing a ring before we got in the portal.." said Serenity.

"It could still be there where she died cuz the rings Annabelle wore were impossible to break" stated Noah.

"Now we need to go find it " added Oliver.

"Yea but that's far.." said Alora.

"I would've teleport us but with my powers now I don't think I'll be able to handle it " stated Luke.

"Shadow can you teleport us there??" Questioned Serenity.

"Yea but since I was there when your powers were taken I think mine was taken too do I can only teleport myself places.." responded Shadow.

"Let's figure this out tomorrow, it's getting late.." suggested Alora.

" I'm not tired though.." said Serenity.

"Me too" added Artemis.

"Same here" stated Michael.

Hours later and they were still all awake.  Eventually they stayed up all night.

"So did anyone get sleep???" Asked Artemis.

"Nope Emily tried but couldn't.." responded Alora putting her glass of juice down onto the table.

"Something's not right, but after that guard broke the wall it left a sweet smell..." Said Oliver.

"It's smelt like flowers. Do you know what it is Alora??" Questioned Heli.

"Hmm yea but I'm not sure " replied Alora unsure.

"Well what is it??" Asked Noah.

"It could be from the shadow realm. Basically if it's from the shadow realm , it would've left side affects like coughing up blood, vomiting , nose bleeds ect. But if it were from another realm it would have ONE side
affect and it is dangerous considering it's from another realm...." Exclaimed Alora.

"So which one is it??" Asked Noah.

"Im not sure yet..But that flower smell is probably one side affect" responded Alora.

At night they tried to sleep but they weren't tired. They tried again and again but it wasn't working. They went to Annabelle's castle to see it in ruins. Since it was destroyed it was difficult to find the ring but they managed to find it eventually. The ring had a large amount of power stored in it. If Iris found the ring she would've wiped out the entire world with it's people.

"If the ring has enough power to restore our magic we could defeat Iris ... How do we get the magic out of it??"  Asked Noah.

"We need break the ring but the magic will flow everywhere we need someone to stop it from destroying everything.." replied Heli.

"I'll try to hold it off while you do whatever you need to do.." said Alora.

"Okay then let's do this." Added Heli as he threw the ring on the ground, shattering the diamond across the floor. Alora trying to hold it off as the room got brighter and Heli captured it in a glass bottle.

"Interesting" said Heli looking at the bottle now filled with magic.

"How do we gain the power??" Asked Luke.

"Let's take it to a mage" replied Noah.

"I know someone " said Heli.

"Alora did you find something about the smell in here??" Asked Michael.

"Yea I found a way to get rid of the smell but I'm missing something" responded Alora.

"Okay then Heli can you take us to this person you know of ??" Asked Serenity.

"Hm let me think..." Said Heli trying to remember who he knew of for a few seconds. Then a purple ish blue flower popped out of no where and started to slowly spread across the room. The smell grew stronger eventually leading them outside coughing. They all got out of the house outside on the cold mountains luckily there were torches everywhere.

"Heli can you lead us to this mage.." said Emily putting on a jacket.

"It's not far from here" sas Heli as he led the way off the mountains into a brightly lit forest. They walked and walked until they saw a tall tower covered on vines and red pink flowers. He knocked, no answer. Again Heli knocked , no answer that was until someone opened the door to reveal a young boy with short black hair and blue eyes.

"Uh hello? Do you perhaps know of a mage that lives here??" Asked Heli holding the bottle in his hands.

"Let me see if his available.." said the boy letting them in. Soon an old man walked into the room with a staff.

"And who might you be??" Asked the old man.

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