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The queen then asked Nova and Alice to leave so Rosie could get more rest but she wanted to talk to Rosie.

"Rosie may I ask you something?" Questioned the queen while taking a seat by the edge of the bed.
"Of course your majesty" said Rosie
"Do you have any super natural powers?!" Asked the queen
".....no not that I know of" stated Rosie
"But the staff opened a portal for you when you were holding it ....it only does that if the person who holds it has shadow abilities" added the queen
"Staff?! Are you talking about that stick ?" Questioned Rosie
"That isn't an ordinary stick" said the queen with a slight smile.
"Clearly" laughed Rosie

The queen then left Rosie to rest and gave Nova and Alice a room to stay in until Rosie regained her health.

*The next day*

A maid woke up the three sisters for breakfast , Nova Rosie and Alice went downstairs to see the queen was waiting for them.

"Good morning girls" greeted the queen with a warm smile
"Good morning your majesty" said the girls bowing.
"Let's go eat I'm sure you guys are starving" added the queen leading them to the breakfast table.

They are and spoke warmly to each other , getting to know each other. That is until the queen said "i think you all might have powers"

*Silence filled the room as the queen continued*

The queen explained why she thought they all had powers and said she will train them all until they find out their powers. After breakfast they started training. The queen helped one by one first Nova long time passed and her power was telekinesis. Next was Alice she was more energetic than Nova so her power was revealed soon her power was the light element. Last was Rosie hers was the longest since they already knew she must have shadow the queen tried to help her make a portal and she nailed it on the 50th try.

Suddenly Alice remember"Our parents!!" Shouted Alice

They had completely forgotten about their parents , Rosie made a portal to their house only to see the inside of the house was completely destroyed and their parents were no where to be found."mom dad?!" They shouted but no response.They started to search the house but nothing . They walked around when Rosie saw a letter that said "my power is now within you"

She showed Alice the letter when suddenly Nova yelled from the upstairs they dropped everything and rushed to her.

"Nova what's wrong?!" Asked Alice concerned.
"I-I...I s-saw a black figure!!" Said Nova seeming terrified by what she saw.
Rosie tried to calm her down while Alice looked around."Aahhhhh!!!" Yelled Alice behind Rosie and Nova.

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