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After taking a nap the girls decided to ask the queen about the staff Annabelle was talking about. It seemed to be very important to Annabelle.

"You wanna know about the shadow staff?" Asked the queen

"Yes it seems to be important and I think Annabelle has something to do with our parents being missing" stated Nova.

"Very well the shadow staff can only be used by someone who has shadow abilities. Back when Annabelle and I were kids we used to be so close but then at age 15 she found out that she had shadow powers. Soon the shadow ability made her cruel and bitter and wanting more power. It got so out of hand that my parents had to lock her up so she didn't destroy everything but before they put her in the prison she had already made the shadow staff." Said the queen ending the story.

The queen then excused herself and said the girls could explore the castle if they wanted. Nova and Alice went to the garden but rosie walked around the inside of the castle and soon came across a room full of paintings. She was looking at the paintings and came across a family portrait of the Queen.

King James , Queen Katherine, Princess Serenity, Princess Iris and Princess Alora.

Rosie wondered who were the three children to the queen. When the queen called her she went to the queen with her curiosity which still remained about the painting. Day and night she thought but she couldn't get out of her head that the children looked exactly like her and her sisters. It's kept bugging her.

At breakfast Alice noticed Rosie's strange behaviour.

"What's wrong Rosie??!" Asked Alice.

"Oh- h nothing!" Said Rosie

"I can tell something is wrong with you Rosie " stated Alice

"I told you I'm FINE!!" Yelled Rosie

With a dark aura around her , Nova was the only one who had seen it. Nova then followed Rosie back to her room. As Rosie opened the door she sat on her bed.

Nova was observing her , Rosie had her hands on her ears and a tear came down from her eyes. Now Nova knew something was wrong. As Nova went closer a type of bubble was blocking Nova from getting to rosie. That's when Nova saw something . She saw Annabelle behind Rosie repeating something over and over the room went dark and darkness took over the room. Nova ran shouting.

"Help!!! Rosie she-!!!" Shouted Nova

" What" asked the queen.

"Rosie she's in trouble !!" Said Nova

"We have to get to Rosie" added Alice
as she ran to Rosie's room.

Alice saw the room, it was destroyed and everything was shattered on the ground. Alice used her power but it was only enough to clear the room not enough to save Rosie from Annabelle. The queen then entered the room and Annabelle fled.

"What's going on here?!" Asked the queen.

"Rosie.." said Alice

The queen went towards Rosie and asked ''whats wrong?" Asked the queen softly

"....." Replied Rosie looking weak.

~Magical Secrets~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें