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They made a fire and gathered around it in silence. Luckily they had food in a bag Heli brought. After they ate they went to sleep. Serenity and Alora were sharing a tent. While they were sleeping there was a noise, Alora then woke up in shock to see Serenity frightened. Alora asked if she was okay but she just said "im fine". Soon they went to sleep again but Serenity couldn't sleep. So she decided to get some fresh air. She laid on the floor looking at the moon when Alora joined her. They just say there talking for a bit till they went to bed for real. But what they couldn't forget about was, what would their lives have been like if they hadn't found that shadow staff ??.

The next day Serenity woke up to shadow beings attacking the camp. They were much more powerful. Suddenly Alora shot a big blast of light destroying all the shadows but she felt a bit weak afterwards. However they had to move to a new place as Iris now knew where they were. Heli carried Alora on his back for a bit till she was able to walk on her own. They walked for a while not knowing where they were even going. They stopped every few hours to take a break. Suddenly Serenity saw something and became so happy. It was tree she used to go to while staying by the castle meaning the castle was close. They walked and soon came by the castle. But there was a dark aura all around the place. There was shadow beings at the entrance but there was no guards by the tunnel leading to the queen's bedroom. Alora and Serenity went leaving the others behind. They went to the throne room to see Iris looking completely different.

"Iris!!" Said Serenity.

"Who are you?!" Questioned Iris.

"Iris we just want to talk" stated Alora.

"About ?!" Said Iris.

"We want our sister back" added Serenity.

"Leave now!!" Yelled Iris.

The shadow beings grabbed them and shoved them outside. They went to the boys feeling heartbroken. They went to Heli's house and stayed there for a bit.(Daniel and Elizabeth left along with Luna and her brother).

As the days went on they stayed most of their time in the house but one day there was black stuff falling from the sky. "Could it be Iris??" They thought.

"I think Iris is getting more powerful"
Stated Heli.

"Wow who would've thought??" Said Michael sarcastically.

"But how the eclipse is over??" Added Serenity.

"She took some of the eclipses power and put it into the shadow staff" stated Noah.

"So we have to destroy the staff??" Asked Oliver.

"Yea I think so" replied Noah.

The black things took long to finally clear up. They decided to hatch a plan to find Iris but Heli objected.

"How can you be so heartless??" Asked Noah.

"I'm just thinking about our safety!!" Replied Heli.

"I don't care I'm going to save Iris no matter what you say !!" yelled Noah.

Noah, Serenity and Alora went to the castle only to see loads of guards almost making it impossible to get into the castle. They went back to Heli's house to inform everyone. That night Noah and Oliver went to the castle to sneak in to get Luke. But where were the guards ??? They went to the dungeon but as they approached the cell in which Luke was being held they were caught.
Soon they were blindfolded and pushed to the throne room to see Iris including Luke.

"Your Highness I found these kids roaming around trying to get Luke out" stated Artemis.

Iris's eyes widened when she saw Noah's face. She felt as if she knew who he was but couldn't remember.

"Whose he???" Thought Iris.

"What should we do with them Your Highness??" Asked Artemis.

"Throw them in the dungeon and leave them there" Commanded Iris.

"As you wish Your Highness" replied Artemis while bowing to her queen.

As the boys were walked to the dungeon Noah looked at Iris sadly not wanted to believe she was gone. As they were walking Luke noticed how beautiful Artemis was. She had dark red hair and green eyes. She was kinda thin and had a bit of thin hands.

"Don't stare too much if you don't want to be knocked unconscious" stated Artemis.

"Ha good one" laughed Luke.

"I'm being serious" said Artemis.

Suddenly there was a a vine which grabbed Artemis's leg just about to throw her before she cut the vine with her sword. She turned around and there Alora and Serenity were.

"Noah what in your right mind were you thinking???" Yelled Alora.

Noah just shrugged. Artemis and Alora started fighting but Artemis was way more experienced at fighting than Alora so she knocked Alora down. Then Iris suddenly came in hearing the noise. She summoned shadow beings to capture Alora, serenity and the rest and led them to the throne room. Oliver gave Luke a look and he knew what he needed to do.

"I'm getting just about sick of you people I'm going to get rid of you now" said Iris as her staff suddenly appeared.

"What??!" Yelled Alora.

"Guys hold hands I'm going to teleport us out of here" whispered Luke.

They held hands.

"Iris please come back...I love you" Stated Noah but then Luke teleported them back to Heli's house. Iris was shocked by what she heard. Who was this boy?? She asked herself over and over again. But she couldn't remember. She went to bed that night but couldn't sleep and couldn't get Noah out of her head. Eventually she fell asleep.

The next day they all sat around the table in silence not knowing what to say.

"Noah please don't go back to that place it's dangerous..." Said Heli.

"Yeah and that Artemis girl..." Added Alora.

"Artemis isn't dangerous" stated Luke.

"She's working for Iris she has to be" Exclaimed Alora.

"As if she had the choice.." replied Luke.

"What you mean??" Questioned Serenity.

"Nothing.." he said before leaving to his room but suddenly Alora started coughing and collapsed to the floor. Everyone rushed around her Luke picked her up in his arms and took her to her room. Then he noticed something about the trees.

 Then he noticed something about the trees

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ARTEMIS!!!!Credits to mochxisdelusional For drawing Artemis for meee

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Credits to mochxisdelusional
For drawing Artemis for meee.

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