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"It happened again...." Said the queen.

"Are you okay?!" Asked a voice.

"What?!" Said the queen looking at the girl with soup in her hands.

"Who are you?!!" Asked the queen.

"Did you hit your head ?? Im your best friend you idiot.." said the girl.

"I don't have a beat friend though.." said the queen to herself.

"Diana!come here. Violet hit her head again!!!" Yelled the girl.

"What ?!! I was busy with something Fiona" said Diana
"Whose Violet, I guess that's me" thought the queen (Violet).

With Serenity.

"Annnd were back but this looks different...is this a forest?!! Wait a sec a forest with no animals?!!" Said Serenity.

"Arya !! There you are, I've been looking for you for hours.." said ?

"Damn what do I say" thought Serenity.

"Ohhhh I'm sorry I got caught up with something..." Said Arya (Serenity).

"Oh well am I late ??" Asked ?

"Late for what exactly?! Haha" asked Arya (serenity).

"Our date" replied ? excitedly.

"Huh?!"yelled Arya (Serenity).

Then everything went dark.

With Oliver.

"Ugh my head ..." Said Oliver.

"Are you okay?!" Asked Serenity.

"Serenity?! We're together? That means the others are here too but why do we look different??Questioned Oliver.

"Don't know " Responded Serenity.

"Why are we here ?!" Asked Oliver.

"Uhm well before this you said we were on a date..." Said Serenity nervously.

"Well I mean we have time for that" smiled Oliver while scratching his head.

Serenity then blushed as they talked.

With Iris, Noah and Alora.

"It's so cold here...wait is that Noah?!" Thought Iris.

"Hey crystal hungry??" Said Noah.

"Hey" said Alora.

"Yea I'm hungry.." responded Iris (crystal).

"Wait Iris Noah is that you??!" Yelled Alora.

"Alora ?!!" Questioned Noah.

"We're together that means the others are here too let's go find them " said Iris.

"How about we do that after we eat " suggested Noah.

"I agree!!" Added Alora.

(After they eat).

"Where could they be ?!" Asked Alora.

"I literally have no clue..." Said Iris.

"Fiona I can't believe you!!!" Yelled Diana.

"What's that ?" Whispered Noah.

"Lets find out " said Iris curiously.

"If you hadn't fought with that stupid toad we would've gotten that flower!!"
Added Fiona.

"Guys guys calm down" said Violet (queen).

"Mom!?" Shouted Iris.

"You have kids ?!" Questioned Fiona and Diana.

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