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Suddenly the girl used her power to get them to some place to heal them.

"Thanks for your help" said Heli.

"Not a problem, I would do anything to see him get crushed..."stated the girl.

"What's your name??" Asked Michael.

"Emily" replied Emily.."uhm Leona will be here in a few minutes with some food"

A girl with long blue hair and dark brown eyes came a few minutes later.

"Thanks" said Artemis but Leona just nodded and with no word whatsoever she left.

They all started to eat their food but Artemis still wondered about Leona not responding to her. The days went on and their wounds started to heal but still left some scars. (Could easily have been removed if Alora had her power). Their powers were slowly cimg back but it was very limited.

"Uhm Emily can I ask you something please??" Asked Alora.

"Sure" replied Emily as she laid her sword on the ground now fully facing Alora.

"Why do you hate Shadow so much? Well I mean it's understandable but you must have a specific reason.." added Alora.

"Oh him, well he was my friend and my family took him in cuz they felt bad for him. I thought everything was going well but one day I went to the shop and I heard a huge explosion. I hurried home and saw fire , smoke everywhere, everything was destroyed. I had to watched everyone I loved die right before my eyes , but for some I saw him and he left me alive I don't know why. I went to the North where I met Leona..." Stated Emily ending her story as she picked her sword up.

"If he can destroy an entire empire how strong is he?!!" Questioned Alora.

"Don't know that's one of the many secrets he kept from me.." emily replied.

"And Leona.." said Alora.

"She's just not comfortable with you guys yet" added Emily as she smiled at Alora.

"Alora!!! There you are" yelled Serenity.

"Yea what's up??" Asked Alora.

"Heli and Michael found something about that book, c'mon" stated Serenity leading Alora to the library.

"Well all we know is that it is going to be difficult more difficult to get close to Iris - " saud Luke before Serenity came in.

"Sorry we're late" added Serenity whilst catching her breathe.

"So what me and Michael gathered was that in order to destroy the shadow staff there needs to be a sacrifice..." Said Heli.

"So one of us have to die to destroy her.." added Artemis.

The room went silent for a moment. No one spoke for a while, until Heli suggested a plan to get inside the palace first and that could be discussed later on....

They gathered Emily and Leona to get some ideas on how to get inside..

''Well what we know us that the palace is full of guards.." stated Emily.

"What about that garden entrance??" Asked Oliver.

"It's covered with dark vines which is hard to cut through.." added Alora.

"Uhmm okay then how do we get in then is there another way??? " Questioned Noah.

"How did you guys get in the first time??" Asked Emily.

"I actually want to know now.." said Artemis.

"You don't want to know trust me..." Replied Luke.

They came up with ideas but most of it didn't make sense. That is until Serenity asked about the necklaces and Heli went to get it. It might work not fully but maybe help since they don't have their full power.

"Maybe I can be of help" said Shadow as he walked out of the shadow.

"What are you doing here??!"asked Emily out of anger.

"Look I'm here to help no need to fight" replied Shadow.

"You literally betrayed us and nearly left us to die!!" Yelled Serenity.

"Okay that's true but anyone can change right?!!" Said Shadow.

"I don't think you're able to change..." Added Emily as she left the room. The room went silent for a moment then Shadow lifted a necklace.

"As I was saying, I am here to help you guys " stated Shadow.

"I'm going to Emily" added Alora as she left the room.

"You've literally betrayed us, so NO" said Luke.

"Okay your choice" replied Shadow as he was about to leave.

"Wait before you go how'd you get your hands on the shadow necklace??.." asked Michael.

"Oh this thing, Iris didn't need it anymore since she has the shadow staff and the eclipse so she gave it to me.." responded Shadow.

"Hmm with that type if power that necklace probably means nothing to her" stated Noah.

"You're right...but with our power now, who knows what she can do ..." Added Oliver.

"But you should know that Shadow why change sides ??" Questioned Luke.

"Just thought you could use the help" said Shadow.

"Oh really now??" Added Oliver.

"Look I know you hate me after what i did but are you really gonna treat me like this??" Asked Shadow.

"W-wait aren't you the guy that kidnapped me and my sister??" Said Serenity.

"Oh yeaaa forgot about that" replied Shadow.

"He kidnapped you????!!" Yelled Heli.

"But they got put anyway tho I feel like we're being watched.." added Shadow.

"Yea...say did anything follow you here??" Asked Noah.

"I hear breathing .." stated Oliver.

"Not that I know of.." said Shadow. "Everyone get down!!!"

Something then went through the wall , breaking everything in its path. Smoke filled the room , then loud footsteps were approaching to where they were. It was something big , it was a guard wearing ruined armour and it looked like it was apart of the shadow realm. The guard disappeared as soon as it entered the room, it looked like it was fading away.

Iris was growing stronger by the day as her plan had worked.... Even a shadow demon can absorb a light element without getting harmed as light can also be used for evil. In each element you have a choice to use it for good or evil. But what if you didn't want to do either?? That's when the holders power becomes a beast , from the shadow realm to forever roam the world.

But the beasts are weak even the smallest light can destroy it. But it wasn't always like that. In the past , the prince of the shadow realm was against his parents and their rules. He wanted to live his own life that was when he met the daughter of another realm. Each day they would meet in same place they met, where the blossom tree grew. But they fallen in love.

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