"Hmm... Nope! Besides I think I'd rather talk to you before going back home alone as always!" Lucifer then said with a goofy grin on his face.

Ever since that day, Lucifer and Alastor became good friends, but Lucifer couldn't bare to use his actual name so he told Alastor that his name was "Samuel," since he got fond of Alastor and didn't know what would Alastor think of him after finding out he was the Lucifer, the one who basically created sin by giving Eve that apple. Alastor eventually told Lucifer about the exterminations every year which surprised Lucifer quite a lot since heaven never bothered to tell him about it which made him furious by this fact.

But a crazy idea came to mind as Alastor thought it was a silly idea called redemption. Even though it was pretty silly, he thought having a hotel to just see it fail would be entertaining. Lucifer on the other hand liked the idea, he was thinking that this hotel might help him get back to heaven to see his little girl again but as for Lilith.... He didn't know if he even still loved her anymore especially with this feeling he was feeling for the Radio Demon.... He hasn't felt this in so many Eons.....

Then it hit him that he truly loves Alastor the radio demon despite hearing that he was a cannibalistic serial killer back when he was alive.

"So anyways I thought it might be entertaining to watch so I could find something entertaining to do~" Alastor said as he chuckled.

"I think it's a good idea to do... Especially with these exterminations..... You really did come up with the best idea for your own entertainment but still.... That wouldn't stop me from loving you..." Lucifer then accidentally said the last part as he covered his mouth before getting flustered.

"Hm? Oh now?" Alastor said as he gave a smirk before giving Lucifer a soft smile afterwards. "I have always been wondering what this feeling I felt for you.... Guess I now know it was this love...~ I'm glad to have met you Samuel..." Alastor said as he puts his hand on Lucifer's cheek before giving him a kiss. Lucifer then got surprised before kissing him back, he was surprised before kissing Alastor back. He couldn't believe he actually fell in love with a sinner.... But for some reason he didn't regret that choice after all.

After they got their first patron for the hotel which was Angel Dust. Lucifer was able to get him and Alastor to talk about the hotel for the 666 News but the problem was that Alastor didn't want to be on camera so Lucifer agreed to do this for him.

Lucifer got nervous while trying to explain that the hotel that a cameraman went and called him "a stupid bitch" which made Alastor snarled at the man before throwing him to a wall with his tentacles.

After the interview, it failed due to Angel helping out Cherri fight Sir Pentious which made Lucifer upset about it.

Eventually Alastor, Lucifer, and Angel were just in the lobby, Husk was just at the bar cleaning dishes as Niffty was killing bugs until a knock was at the door. Alastor went to answer it as he saw a tall mysterious lady who was just standing there waiting to enter.

"Pardon me, who are you?" Alastor asked as he got confused by her appearance.

"Oh just call me Eve! I'm sure you guys won't mind if I joined your silly hotel!" Eve said with a polite smile to convince him that she was "good," but Lucifer heard that name as his heart dropped. The girl who he gave the apple to was here as he panicked, he knew Eve would recognize him and was probably planning on revenge on him for separating her and Adam apart since she was in hell while Adam was sent to heaven.

"Alright then, it is silly but only I call it that. Anyways you better not mess this up for us or else I will destroy yo—" as Alastor was talking Eve shushed him.

"Oh c'mon now! I doubt she of all people wouldn't want her pets to behave like that...." Eve then told Alastor quietly as she mentioned Roo the Root of Evil, so no one could hear, but them. Alastor stayed quiet as he snarled at the thought of being reminded by this. Lucifer then went to Alastor to check on him.

"Al? Are you ok?"

"Of course I am Samuel..." Alastor said as he held Lucifer's hand which Even immediately noticed Lucifer and recognized him obviously but she was confused by why he was going by another name so she decided to play along with this "Samuel" after all, she basically hated him for tricking her about the apple.

"Oh Samuel.... Hm? Oh it is a pleasure to be meeting you...." Eve said with a crooked smile as Lucifer got nervous a bit, he had a feeling that she definitely recognized him and sensed a hatred for him inside her.

He was just hoping that she would never tell Alastor about his real name..... If only he hopes for that....

To be continued!

Hopefully you guys enjoyed the story! I know it's different than the original, I just wanted to be a little more creative with it! Hopefully you enjoyed it!!

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now