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It was the beginning of the first man Adam, Lilith on the other hand was never human instead she was an angel, but she was a wife made for Lucifer himself in other words what God told Lucifer himself. Lucifer was happy about this as he and Lilith were in love. He still had amazing ideas for creations for Earth, only one of his creations were made and that was ducks and probably even snakes since God accepted them due to Lucifer wanting to help but since God left to take care of his creations on Earth, he let the Elder angels in charge and they personally didn't believe in Lucifer's ideas thinking that they would cause harm to them all even Earth.

Lucifer was deeply upset by this as he went home to see Lilith and was glad to see her again, both Lucifer and Lilith were having a daughter as Lucifer was happy to have a family. But what he didn't know wouldn't last long....

One day when God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs, he told him that she was his wife and Adam was glad she was, they spent so much time together even Adam playing his guitar that he got from God. Lucifer would watch the two humans at times, even was interested in them to the point he wanted to become friends with the two.

Then one day he came across Eve and thought about giving her the apple from the Tree of knowledge so she could have free will also thinking that this might help out with humanity. It turned out that it destroyed humanity as evil found its way to Earth, the elder angels were not happy and by the time he came back, he even noticed Lilith who was extremely disappointed with him as she held a baby Charlie in her arms.

"Lucifer Morningstar.... You have given Eve the forbidden fruit which brought evil into this world.... You shall be punished for your actions..." One of the elder angels told Lucifer as they held an angelic weapon towards him.

"Wait...! I swear I didn't mean to do this...! I just wanted to help..!" Lucifer then tried to convince them but they didn't listen, instead they banished him making him fall.... As he fell, he noticed Lilith in heaven as she held Charlie... He started to tear up since he may never see them again and it was his fault for that....

Once he was in hell, he hid himself away in a castle for over eons, wallowing in pity and guilt of what he did. This is how his depression started.... He then noticed sinners in hell as soon as the first sinner died.

He couldn't look at them as his people as he blames himself for creating sinners so he locked himself inside his castle even making ducks to cope with his depression. The thought of his daughter made him think about making an Amusement park which was called LuLu World but that's all he created. But he knew that he could never see his little girl grow up as he was in hell forever.


After so many centuries, it was now the early 2010s as he decided to finally come out of his castle, he looked at every sinner thinking of what he created, what he didn't realize was that heaven made a selfish decision without Lucifer's permission, that they would come once a year for exterminations, the leader of the extermination was Charlie herself.

As Lucifer walked throughout the city, he noticed Alastor who seems to just broke a partnership or friendship with a certain TV head. Alastor seems to be disgusted by whatever Vox said to him. Lucifer then went towards him as he was interested in the deer demon.

"Hello there, and you might be?" Lucifer then asked the tall deer demon.

"Leave me alone... I'm not in the mood to deal with anyone..." Alastor then said in a pissed off radio voice.

"Oh? Your voice sounds so interesting!" Lucifer then said as he was complimenting him.

"Leave me alone please..." Alastor said as he sighs with annoyance.

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now