CHAPTER 4:Competition Part. 2

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I wasn't aware that this leveling was a competition and now that I know. It was late.

Shang Xuyin is already at the finals with all the 4 students who the 4 Clan leaders made them as the prodigy of their own class.

At the finals we were said to seat at the front to see our students.

I sat at the middle and while it was starting. I noticed that as Xuyin is winning his aura is getting stronger and I know he noticed that too because all the 4 had that aura too.


When the Mc announced that we instantly went to the battleground. I was smirking while I went towards, My cutie boy.

"It seems that we need to combine ourselves to win over, Meinxu." Cha Xujen  said and stared at me and also the others.

"I think, you don't need to."

"Oh really?" Ming Fanshu.

"Yeah, kinda bored and wanted to rest."

"I think youre only playing us" Lu zheyanli said.

"If you say so"

The mc signaled us that the fight has began and I didn't use my powers to fight them.

While they fight. I fought my friend, Ming Fanshu.

Who made her fists blue. When I got irritated that I can't do anything but move away from her attacks.

I activated my super slap.

I slapped her face when she tried to punch me. I slapped her hand. Kicked her toes and to the last I knocked her out of the Battle ground.

"Better luck next time" and I kissed my palms. And blew her a kiss.

But I knew there was someone who is going to attack me at the back to so, I bend down on my knees and faced towards him.

Pulled his right leg making him fall.

"Hah? Backstabber, I hate that."

And went on top of his chest. And sat. When I faced him I slapped him.

Just like how I slapped, Ming Fanshu.

Shen Xihua pushed me and I quickly stood up and kicked his foot and pushed him out.

Next is Cha Xujen.

"Two down two to go" smirking. I went towards him running and jumped high and when I landed I was ready for him to face my foot.

But I stopped and landed on the ground.

Guess I'm fighting with violence.

(A/N:bro woke up one day and chose violence😅)

"Sigh..... Whew! I'm tired." I said panting. He smiles and while I went on attacking him.

I got annoyed so, my attack went on towards him and used my powers to stuck him on the same spot he is in, at his front I slapped him.

"The power of my slap, pack!!" and slapped him again and again. His cheeks are red and I felt my palm sting from pain. His face is hard.

Then I, with full force threw him out.

I sat on the ground and looked at the three down there staring at me with intense eyes. I let my tounge out and laughed at their reactions.

They looked offended.

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